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Israel announces Fei World Reining Masters Series qualifier as Reining clinic is held at Alonim Ranch, Israel by Martin Larcombe

June 26, 2004 – Martin Larcombe, who slid Arc Oak Enterprise (Surprise Enterprise x Sophie Oak) to the NRHA World Open Reserve Championship last year, flew to Israel after winning the 100,000 Euro Open at the WRT held in France. The reason for the native Australian trainer, now based in Italy at Cisal QH, to board an Israeli-bound plane was to hold a five day clinic organized by the Israel Western Committee – the committee in breast of the Israel Equestrian Federation, the governing body of equestrian sports recognized by the FEI. Held in the beautiful facility of Alonim Ranch, the clinic drew over 50 of the top Israeli riders eager to improve their reining abilities. With the sun shining bright, many a reining enthusiast attended the clinic and Larcombe wasted no time helping out the non pros, youth – with particular attention to the youth team - and professionals in dealing with the art of training and showing a reining horse. The participants were all impressed with Martin’s dedication. “Martin helped each and every horse and rider and they all improved by the time they were done and we would all like to thank him immensely”, says Uzi Kleiger from the Israel Western Riding Committee.

“I was really impressed by the number of people who attended and by the standard of the livestock”, says enthusiastic Larcombe the day after flying back from Alonim. “The facility and the grounds were really good and what we mostly worked on was the suppleness of the horses and the basics so as to get the horses softer. What struck me the most is the number of the talented youth riders there are and the program the association put together for them. I am sure that in a few years, the Israeli riders and teams will be very competitive at all levels”.

Israel has been the only country from the Middle East very involved on an international level. Elan Rosenberg represented his country at the 1998 World Equestrian Games where a reining demonstration was held and Team Israel actively participated in the CRI held in Europe since the sport of reining has been accepted by the FEI. Israel has announced that a qualifier for the FEI Reining World Masters Series will be held on September 16-18.

To see the current standings, visit the official Nrha Web site and click on FEI World Reining Masters Standings.

NRHA will host the first-ever $100,000 FEI World Reining Masters Finals in 2004 which will be held in conjunction with the NRHA Futurity & World Championship Show, November 25 - December 4, 2004.


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