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Sue Carson Saddles Supports the British Dressage Supporters Club.

As a list 2 judge, British Dressage 3 star trainer and herself a competitor at Prix St George level, Sue Carson knows a thing or two about dressage! Her deep involvement with the sport over the years has brought her into contact with the British Dressage Supporters Club and the amazing work they do to help riders, trainers and judges of all levels.

This year, to help raise funds, Sue has donated a fantastic sue carson saddle worth £1,600 as the prize for the BDSC annual raffle.

The winner can chose any one of the styles of bespoke sue carson saddles, so whether their sport be dressage, jumping or simply pleasure riding, the saddle will be specifically made to fit their horse and them!

All sue carson saddles are made in the UK from the finest quality leather and incorporate the Flair air flocking system. A choice of colour, finish, panels and block are available, so you are guaranteed the saddle you and your horse truly want!

Tickets cost £1 each and will be on sale from the British Dressage Supporters Club or sue carson saddles stand at Hickstead, Fry’s CDI, the National Championships at Stoneleigh and many other venues.

The draw will be made on the final day of the National Championships at Stoneleigh in September.

If you would like to sell tickets on behalf of BDSC or are interested in buying some, you can contact the Promoter, Patti Beasley on 01335 390206 or any British Dressage Supporters Club committee member.

For further details on the full range of sue carson saddles, please ring 01629 540343 or visit the web site


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