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Sue Carson Saddles offer a ‘Clea’ Advantage.

Top Event Rider Clea Phillips and bespoke saddle manufacturer sue carson saddles have teamed up to create a winning combination.

Clea and her husband Vere Phillips have been working with sue carson saddles on the design of the close contact jumping saddle and the result is the Scope jumping saddle which is ideal for cross country and show jumping.

Lighter in weight than a normal saddle, it is designed with a single panel to allow the rider to get a closer feel. The unique design options ensure that whatever the size and shape of the horse, the saddle will allow total freedom of movement for the horse, particularly through the shoulder and back whilst also providing maximum security, comfort and balance for the rider.

Clea Phillips is a former junior and young rider gold medallist, 3rd at Burghley, was first reserve for the senior European Event team 2001and placed at both Badminton and Burghley in 2003.

As a producer of many young event horses from novice to advanced, Clea said ‘I can’t recommend sue carson saddles highly enough. I ride a huge number of horses and I have never come across a horse that hasn’t responded well to working in one of Sue’s saddles. My experienced and my young horses alike, all benefit, and spending so many hours in the saddle, I appreciate the comfort too!’

Sue Carson has a wealth of riding expertise herself, previously an experienced event rider and showjumper she is now competing at Prix St George level with her horse Hulland Bonanza and is a List 2 British Dressage judge and a candidate FEI horse trials judge. ‘As a rider, trainer and judge, I have encountered a huge diversity in the conformation of both horse and rider! For a ‘partnership’ to reach their full potential, it is imperative that each of them is as comfortable as possible, which is why our saddles are all made to fit both the horse AND the rider.’

sue carson saddles are all fitted by the company’s own highly trained fitters and use the Flair air bag system instead of flocking. At the initial fitting session the horse will be thoroughly assessed and measured and the rider invited to try a whole range of panels and blocks with a choice of leathers and colour co-ordinated welts.

At the final fitting session, the chosen saddle will be delivered and the air adjusted at the front, back and laterally (if necessary) to ensure the perfect fit for horse and rider.

For further details on the full range of sue carson saddles, please ring 01629 540343 or visit the web site



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