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Alastair Hood and Royal Trooper receive the TopSpec Supreme Ridden Championship from Katy Tyler of TopSpec.

Royal Trooper Captures TopSpec Supreme Award

ELEVEN-year-old Jessica Goodyear stood between two of the country's top show riders when claiming the reserve champion award in a new competition - the TopSpec Supreme Ridden Championship at the Northern Horse Show.

The £1,250 champion's purse went to well known professional Alastair Hood and the Hack champion Royal Trooper, currently unbeaten this season.

With third place going to regular Northern Horse visitor Katie Moore, riding Vanessa Ramm's six-year-old Riding Horse champion Sirius.


More than 20 competitors came forward at the end of the day to compete for the £2,000 prize fund.

Nicola Tyler of TopSpec said: "We decided to support the Northern Horse Show with this new award because all the profits go to the Riding for the Disabled Association which is a very worthwhile cause.

"We were delighted that so many competitiors took part in the championship and that it brought another new element to the show."

Alastair Hood riding Michael and Pearl Underwood's, Royal Trooper put on a superb display to catch the attention of judges Anne Hooley and Brian Noach from South Africa.

Said Alastair: "The TopSpec Supreme Ridden Championship is a real boost for showing competitors and it was marvellous to compete for that amount of prize money.

"We will be using the TopSpec Feed Balancer, we received as part of our prize on three of the horses in the yard."

Young Jessica Goodyear and the 13hh Show Hunter Pony Champion, Highmead Politician had excelled themselves earlier in the day under judge David Kellow and came out sparkling once again to take the £500 runner-up prize.

From their base near Halifax, the Goodyear's showing is a real family effort with sister Trudy, acting as chief groom.

Said mum Lynne: "We take each show as it comes and Jessica was quite nervous competing against the top adult riders, we were overjoyed to finish second in such good company."

In third place, Katie Moore, was deputising for owner Vanessa Ramm, who claimed the Riding Horse championship before having to head home on business.

Produced by Katie from her Essex yard, with such good prize money on offer, connections were delighted she was able to stay to go forward to the championship.

Said Katie: "We had four hours to travel home after the show, but the wait was very worthwhile."


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