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New Internet Equestrian Auction

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, July 24, 2002. Here's a new online auction with a twist. First of all, it's all horse related. But that's been tried before - usually with dismal results. The new Equestrian
Horse Network teams up with selected Equestrian Web sites to create an auction community with far more items and participants than any single horse enthusiast web site could generate.

"Manure Happens" ( ) has been chosen as a lead web site to introduce the new auction which has been online since late June.

You have your choice of Two Auction Formats, Standard and Reverse.

1. In the Standard Auction format, the highest bidder wins the item, after the pre set auction time period has elapsed.

2. In the Reverse Auction format, the user posts an item or service that he is looking for, and people who have that item or service to sell enter bids. The lowest bid wins the deal.

Posting items on the Auction is free. You only pay a commission if the item sells.

Commissions range from a high of 5 percent for items $100.00 or less to 2.5 percent for items over one thousand dollars.

New horse web sites will be added to the Equestrian Auction Network daily. This way the number of items posted for auction, along with the number of viewers and participants will increase.

"We expect the Equestrian Auction Network to become the largest Equestrian related auction on the Internet. There's such a diversity of passions within the horse world that by having numerous member sites
we can serve all aspects of the equestrian industry," states Hilma Volk, cowboy er... cowgal poet-entertainer and owner of .


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