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The 16th World Mounted Games Team Championships

The Welsh mounted games team won the 16th World Mounted Games Team Championships at Fontwell Racecourse, West Sussex (July 26/28).

After the five qualifying sessions England and Wales were the only teams to break through the 300 points barrier. Joing them in the final were also Belguim, France, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland.

In the 12 race final Wales (Alex Jones, Christian Jones, Daloni Lucas, Rachel Norton, Gareth Whitney) got off to an impressive start winning the first five races putting them 10 points in front of Ireland their nearest rivals. The two fourth places that followed saw Wales maintain their lead, stretching it to 11 points.

However, a broken flag in the four flag race allowed England and Ireland to make up some ground. Wales though never looked like being caught and going into the final race had a seven point lead over England, which was good enough to give them the overall title. Silver medalists last year in Canada, the team trained by Clive Jones were the impressive winners.

Final scores were
Grand final - 1, Wales 61 pts; 2,England 58; 3, Ireland 50; 4, Belguim 46; 5, France 45; 6, Scotland 40; 7, Northern Ireland 34.

Runners up final - 1, Canada 62; 2, Germany 60; 3, Sweden 59; 4, Australia 51; 5, USA 39; 6, Norway 37; 7, Luxembourg 23.


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