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Are you interested in taking part in a Television Documentary with your horse?


A television production company are looking to do a pilot video featuring the extraordinary talents of Adam Shereston. If the pilot video is successful it may lead to a full television documentary.

Adam is looking for people, who have a horse that has a health problem, whether physical or psychological that may benefit.

Adam will only charge a nominal £15 per consultation, which will include assesment, advice and treatment which could last up to 2 hours.

If you are interested in taking part please email: with your contact details and information on your horse's problem. Please put Adam Shereston in the subject box of your email.

You can learn more about Adam by visiting his website at
There is also a review of Adam's visit to a yard in Lancashire which contains feedback from the people who engaged Adam's services:


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


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