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horse A Texas Chef On The Road To The Renowned James Beard House
Tim Love on the Lonesome Dove Trail Drive


FORT WORTH, Texas (Aug. 11, 2003) - In honor of James Beard's 100th birthday and a highly sought after invitation to cook at the James Beard House, Chef Tim Love is setting out with his staff and American Paint Horses on a Lonesome Dove Trail Drive from Fort Worth to New York on August 14. Covering more than 1,500 miles, the trail drive is both a tribute to historical cattle drives and an opportunity to emphasize the importance of cooking with fresh ingredients. The Lonesome Dove Trail Drive culminates on August 18, the day Love cooks at the James Beard House.

Love and his staff will pay homage to trail drive cooks of the past by mounting American Paint Horses to gather indigenous ingredients from modern day Farmer's Markets. After leaving Fort Worth, Texas, the trail drive's first stop will be Little Rock, Ark. to buy black beans. They will continue onto Cookeville, Tenn. for watercress and blackberries; Knoxville, Tenn. for olive and peanut oils; Roanoke, Va. for nuts, produce and chiles; Washington, D.C. for seafood; Philadelphia, Pa. for game meats; and finally New York, N.Y. for cheese and chocolate.

As Americans' fascination for cooking and reality-based television continues to grow, the Lonesome Dove Trail Drive and Love's experiences in eight cities will be captured on film for a fun, fast-paced documentary. This film will be a true account of how this young talented chef is preparing for his dinner at the unparalleled James Beard House.

The ingredients will be used for the dinner in dishes such as Game Rubbed Rare Elk Nachos with Herbed Cheese, Avocado Salsa and Habanero-Lingonberry Demi-Glace; Pheasant Confit Salad with Tennessee Blackberry Vinaigrette and Guajillo Chile Goat Cheese Crisp; and Seared Roasted Garlic Stuffed Beef Tenderloin with Western Plaid Hash, Griddled Asparagus and Shiraz Demi-Glace.

Love, owner of the critically acclaimed Lonesome Dove Western Bistro, is the first Fort Worth chef to be invited to cook at the James Beard House. Love is known for preparing wild game in a tantalizing Urban Western Cuisine style. The trail drive will allow Love to demonstrate his cooking principle: to combine wild game with the best of what is found regionally using innovative and traditional cooking techniques.

Caroline Stuart, acclaimed cookbook author and vice president of the James Beard Foundation declares, "This cowboy can cook! Native Texan Tim Love has given us an inspired collection of dishes that reflect the spirit of food from both the traditional and the new Southwest."

"Cooking at the James Beard House is an honor," says Love. "People want to know more about what it takes to make it to this point, what it takes to make an intricate dinner. Through the Lonesome Dove Trail Drive, I hope to communicate the importance of all aspects of preparing for the meal - from choosing a menu and shopping for ingredients to the dinner itself."

While Love's signature dishes feature wild game, fresh fruits and vegetables are essential. Love is teaming with LocalHarvest, a not-for-profit nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets and other local food sources, so that he can buy the best fresh ingredients locally. LocalHarvest makes it easy for the public to find sources of good food close to them, generating businesses for family farms.

"Chef Tim Love uses a warm cooking style that will inspire more Americans to take time to buy fresh produce to use in cooking meals with their families," says Guillermo Payet, founder of LocalHarvest. "Food should not be a cheap industrial commodity but a bond that ties communities together."

Chef Tim Love's vision of combining the feel of the Old West and elegant dining comes together in the Lonesome Dove Western Bistro, a critically acclaimed restaurant located in the historic Fort Worth Stockyards. When he's not at the restaurant cooking, he's leading cooking classes across Texas or working on his column for Cowboys & Indians, premier magazine of the West.

The James Beard Foundation is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to furthering the practice and appreciation of the culinary arts. The Foundation, located in Greenwich Village, at the historic James Beard House, was established in 1985 in memory of the late cookbook author, journalist, chef, and teacher James Beard, the "father of American gastronomy."

The American Paint Horse Association is providing horses for the trip. Since its founding 41 years ago, APHA has registered more than 728,000 horses. Currently, American Paint Horses are being registered at APHA's Fort Worth, Texas, headquarters at a rate of about 60,000 horses each year. The association serves more than 104,000 members, who are located in every U.S. state, throughout Canada and in 39 other nations around the world. For more information about the American Paint Horse and APHA, visit, or call (817) 834-2742, ext. 788.

The Certified Angus Beef brand is the world's top choice for premium beef. That's because the stringent standards mean superior flavor, juiciness and tenderness. To ensure the brand's reliable quality, the USDA evaluates beef for the brand's quality standards. For more information, call (330) 345-2333 or visit

LocalHarvest maintains a reliable nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets and other local food sources at Founded by software engineer Guillermo Payet, LocalHarvest supports the Buy Local movement.

Other sponsors of the Lonesome Dove Trail Drive include Ben E. Keith, City of Ft. Worth, Cowboys & Indians Magazine, Freedman Meat, Renaissance Contractors Inc., Shaw - Ross Importers and White Elephant Saloon.

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