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horse Over 500 riders head for British Riding Clubs' National Horse Trials Championships
Sponsored by South Essex Insurance Brokers Ltd
8 - 10 August

Over 500 riders, from around 80 clubs across the country, will be heading for Offchurch Bury Estate, near Royal Leamington Spa, which plays host to the British Riding Clubs' National Horse Trials Championships. The event, sponsored by South Essex Insurance Brokers (SEIB) for the fourth year running is scheduled to start on Friday 8 August, running through to Sunday 10 August. All competitors have taken part in hotly contested qualifiers so the three days promise to be action packed, kicking off with the Junior Horse Trials Championships, a one day event, on the first day. Friday also sees the start of the Open Horse Trials Three Day Event. Saturday will see the start of the Novice Two Day Event with the latter two competitions culminating in the grand finale on Sunday.

Offchurch Bury Estate boasts beautiful grounds and with the River Leam winding its way through the course it provides a natural water crossing for the roads and tracks phase plus an inviting water complex for the cross country course.

Championship competition starts at 9 o'clock on Friday morning with the Junior Dressage and the Cross Country Phase commencing at 11 o'clock. Saturday action starts at 9 o'clock with Novice Dressage, followed by the Open Speed and Endurance Phases an hour later. Sunday morning will start with the Open Vetting followed by Open Show Jumping. The Novice Speed and Endurance is scheduled to start at 9 o'clock the same day.

Admission to the event is free of charge. Spectators are welcome to attend and take advantage of the trade stands and catering wagons.

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