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horse British Horse Society selects teams for the Senior World and Young Rider European TREC Championships
Libramont in Belgium, 5 - 7 September 2003.

The British Horse Society (BHS) is pleased to announce the teams to represent Great Britain at the World TREC Championships and the European Young Riders Championships, both of which take place in Libramont, Belgium from 5-7 September. The Senior Team for the World Championships will be Faye Hamilton (English & Scotshield GB Champion 2003) on Amarylis, Ros Evans on Boco, Anthea Kendrick on Larkswood Fantasia, Jane Willett on Italian Dancer, Nicola Ross-Watt on Brenfield Ask and David Hay-Thorburn (Scottish & Welsh Champion 2003) on Brenfield Mhairi. Jennie Free travels as reserve rider.

The Young Riders for the European Championships will be Kate Ellison (Scottish, Welsh & British Champion 2003) on Spice of Life, Lois Hamilton (English Champion 2003) on Corehouse Gypsophila, Lianna Bourne on Sheba, Danielle Samuel on Stormhill Electra, Alex Wells on Marquis of Gargunnock and Mark Logan on Brenfield Bragi.

Both teams are supported for the second year by Ashby House ( <>) and BHS Trustees are supporting the teams with a £6,000 travel grant from allocated funds. The strong Scottish element in both the senior and young rider teams reflect Scotland's success this year in all the domestic Championship events, and in taking the BHS Nations Cup at Blair in August at the Scotshield BHS TREC Championships of Great Britain.

Whilst these Championships offer the Young Riders' Team their first taste of international competition, the senior team represents a blending of experience with former World Champion David Hay-Thorburn and the core of the 2001 Silver Medal winning team being joined by some exciting newcomers eager to test themselves against the World's best.

" I think we have two very able teams this year for the Championships and we have a good track record in Belgium, having taken the Team Silver in the World Championships and Young Riders Individual Silver in Belgium in 2001. Both squads are brimming with confidence and are keenly looking forward to testing themselves against our TREC colleagues from other nations. We are also very grateful to Ashby House for their continued support for our National Teams" said BHS Head of Competitions and senior Chef d'Equipe, Rob Jones.


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