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Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training for Horse & Rider
August 2003 News

“We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs!”

Topics covered in this newsletter:

*Bob’s World & Training tips of the month *Clinic Hosting Made Easy! Program
*Partnership Trail Ride/Camping Weekend *Welcome to our Sponsors
*American Trail Horse Assoc. *Bob’s Article of the Month – “Bees”
*Kids Clinic – NEW! *Nutrena Feed – High Fat Feed
*Contest - Win a horse Vacation! *Calendar of Events

Welcome to Bob’s World!

July was a really busy and exciting month for me doing what I love to do the most… teaching my Trainer Education Program, the Horsemanship Breakthrough Week, and the Extended Foundation Clinic. All the participants were enthusiastic, eager to learn and dedicated. Suzanne and I enjoyed working with each of them. We also had the pleasure of teaching our Complete Ground Manners Clinic at Lucille Bump’s Southmowing Stables in Vermont. There was a nice turnout for our show that Saturday evening, including the founder/guru of Centered Riding®, Sally Swift!

Training Tip

Remember that the high temperatures and intense humidity we’ve been experiencing have a definite effect on our horses’ ability to function. Keep them supplied with clean, fresh water; they can drink 20 gallons or more daily in this heat. It’s also a good idea to minimize your horse riding activity when the temp plus humidity combined total reaches 180 or higher. If you do ride in the hot weather, give your horse a quick spritz with water afterwards on his legs and his chest to cool him down. Avoid using cold water on a hot horse’s upper body, as the muscles there could cramp up.


Rain, rain, go away! Please!!! Despite the wet weather we’ve got lots of news! Between our sold out Trainer Education Program, clinics, lessons, and training, life has been busy! You should hear the nicknames bestowed upon us by the Trainer Ed Program students! Bob is “Cupcake” (he loves them- only the Hostess chocolate ones will do!) Suz is “Shortcake” (redhead, straw cowboy hat…), and Janine is “Fruitcake” (pretty self-explanatory, don’t you think?)!

Trail Ride Weekend

We have only 2 spots left for our first Partnership Trail Ride/Camping Weekend! Join Bob and Suz at Bear Springs Mountain Park in New York- in the beautiful Catskill Mountains! August 16 & 17, only $125, including 3 catered meals. We’ll ride together (no more than 22 participants!) for 5-6 hours Saturday, and then enjoy a barbeque dinner around the campfire. Singing, lots of tall tales, and more! Then we’ll enjoy a robust breakfast, and ride for several more hours, packing lunches for the ride. Don’t miss the fun- trail riding is what it’s all about!

Seeking Excellent Riding Lessons?

We offer a few choices – pick the one that best suits your needs.

Call our office today to book a lesson with Suzanne Sheppard, a Centered Riding® Instructor, or take a “Solutions” Riding Lesson or a Trail Class Lesson with Bob Jeffreys.

American Trail Horse Association

Speaking of the joys of trail riding, we’re proud to announce that Bob and Suz are now New York representatives for The American Trail Horse Association. Check it out at . This national organization is devoted to “the registration, education, certification, and acknowledgement of the American Trail horse, regardless of color, breed, size or bloodlines…” They even offer a “7 Levels of Excellence Program” to challenge trail riders everywhere to show off just how good our trail horses are! If you’d like more info, give us a call!

Kids Clinic

Our new Kids Clinic, aka Control=Safety=Fun is specially designed for children who want to learn more about horses! Join us for our newest event on Labor Day Weekend (August 30 & 31-it’s early this year!) at the Gottlieb Farm in Barryville, NY. Horse psychology, ground games, Centered Riding® instruction, games on horseback, and even a trail ride scavenger hunt are planned, all in a child-appropriate format with a focus on safety and fun. Beginners through experienced young equestrians are invited. 9am-3pm, $150. Pony Clubbers and 4Hers only $135!

****** Win a horse vacation!! ******

Think we’re leaving out the grownups? Some of you did let us know that, while you thought the 2003 Young Adult Partnership Scholarship Essay Contest was great, what about horse lovers over the age of 21??? So, this year we’re holding a contest for adults only! Just write a brief essay about how you enjoy having fun with horses, send it to us, and you’ll be eligible to win a free spot in our Horsemanship Breakthrough Week Vacation 2004. The winner’s name will be drawn in March 2004. Go to our website, for more details. Remember- you have to be over 21 years old to enter!

Clinic hosting made easy?

That’s right- we’ve made it even easier to host us at your facility for any of our clinics. You provide the location, answer a few simple questions, and we do the rest! Our hosts not only get a free spot in the clinic and earn money: they also provide an info-packed learning opportunity for horse lovers in their communities. Bob and Suzanne are professional, experienced and supportive teachers who provide plenty of individualized attention to insure the success of each participant.

We’ve eliminated the stress that can go along with hosting. There is no minimum, no deposit; it’s a win-win situation! Contact us for more info- if you can’t get to us, we’d love to come to you!


The Bob Jeffreys Clinics Team would like to thank Mr. Paul Congelosi of Congelosi Trailer Sales for joining our Sponsorship Team again this year.

May we supply our customers with more knowledge and support together!

*If you have any questions about the benefits of sponsorship and to learn more about which offerings would suit your business advertising needs, please contact our office.

“Bee” Prepared on Your Trail Rides
By Bob Jeffreys

As we enter the latter part of summer, we need to remember that this is the season when bees or wasps are most aggressive and defensive of their nests. I was personally reminded of this fact when several people went out on a trail ride, but only one returned to the ranch. I then set out with a few other volunteers to find the others. Thankfully no horses or riders were seriously injured, but they were stung repeatedly and were pretty shaken up. One particular horse took the brunt of the attack and was stung all over his body.

Unfortunately, bees and wasps are a part of life that we can’t do much about so we have to respect their presence, do what we can to minimize attacks, and know what to do if we are attacked. Firstly, try to stay on well-traveled paths; don’t chance veering off into undisturbed areas. In particular avoid dead trees or logs and keep your eyes open for nests in trees.

However prudent we are in trying to be careful, there still might, and if you trail ride often, probably will be a time when you’ll disturb a nest. Most common are yellow jackets that nest in the ground. If you accidentally step on their nest, you’ll be dealing with an angry group of flying, stinging insects.

So, if you’re with a group it helps to have a plan. Determine beforehand what you will do if your group encounters bees or wasps. What I’ve learned works best is to have a code word such as “BEES” to be shouted loudly. Upon hearing this word, everyone should immediately move away quickly and keep going for at least a tenth of a mile. Most bees/wasps won’t travel further than that, but some may. If the attach hits the lead horse, the rest of the group should leave to the rear and that lead horse should continue forward. You can all meet up again at a predetermined rendezvous point. Try to stay on the horse and get it to move away from the site of the attack. If you are bucked off, get away as fast as you can on foot – you can look for your horse later.

If a horse gets stung severely, the best thing you can do is horse them off with cold water as soon as possible; check with your vet, but if you can’t reach him or her, give the horse a shot of Banamine (about 5cc’s) to calm them down and administer an antihistamine or a steroid such as Azium. They should be fine and all welts should be gone in a day or so.

If you know that you or any member of your group is allergic to bee/wasp stings, carry the appropriate medicine as prescribed by your doctor on all trail rides. To increase your safety you may wish to carry a cell phone, but lots of trail areas are not near cell towers; that’s why it’s important to have a predetermined meeting place arranged with your group.

Encountering such an incident is not pleasant, but if you keep your wits about you, and leave the area quickly, you should be all right and you’ll have some “new” material to share with your buddies. Safe riding!


Nutrena Feeds Concerns About Feeding Horses – Part 3

High Fat Feeds

Q: What is special about high fat feeds?

A: A feed that contains a higher fat content will have more calories per pound than a similar feed with a lower fat content. In other words high fat feeds are more energy dense. This enables horse owners to limit the quantity of grain they feed. With lower feeding rates of grain your horse(s) will be less likely to colic, founder or tie-up from starch overload to the horses digestive system. Horses that have a particularly difficult time maintaining weight and body condition can greatly benefit from a higher fat feed.

Q: Are high fat feeds beneficial for every horse?

A: No. Just like people, horses have different body types and metabolisms. A feed high in fat will not be beneficial for the already overweight horse or pony. In fact for these types of animals a high fat feed can be detrimental depending on the quantity fed.

Q: What is considered a high fat feed?

A: Most maintenance feeds are around 3% fat. This is not considered a high fat feed. Anything at 5% or more can be considered high in fat.

Q: What are some examples of high fat feeds?

A: -Legacy (10% fat). Beet pulp based feed

-Triumph 10-10 (10% fat). Sweet feed

-Life design Compete (7% fat). Pellet

-Vitality (6% fat). This is a sweet feed

-Life Design Senior (5% Fat). Multi-form feed containing pellets and extruded nuggets


Bob Jeffreys Clinics 2003-2004 Schedule

August 13 – International Riding Camp Live Partnership Show – Greenfield Park, NY
August 16-17 – Trail Ride Weekend with Bob & Suz Bear Springs Mountain- NY – American Trail Horse Assoc.
August 18-22 & 25-29-Trainer Education Program –Level 2 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
August 30 & 31 – The Kids Clinic – Barryville, NY
September 13 & 14 – Trail Horse Clinic by the ATHA – Shawnee National Forest, IL
September 19-21 – Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Cambridge Springs, PA
September 22-26-Horsemanship Breakthrough Week - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
September 26-28-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Bloomingburg, NY
October 18 & 19-Advanced Clinic - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 13-17 & 20-24-Trainer Education Program - Level 3 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 24-26 – Foundation Clinic – Level 2 – Cambridge Springs, PA
October 31-November 2 – International Centered Riding® Symposium, Brattleboro, VT
November 10-14-Round Pen Week -Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
November 14-16-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Level 2 Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY

2004 Events

January 10 & 11, 2004 – Northeast Horsemen’s Conference & Trade Show – Maine
May 8-11 – Open Centered Riding®/Centered Jumping Clinics with Susan Harris – Bloomingburg, NY
July 12-16 & July 19-23 – Trainer Education Program – Level 1-Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
August 16-20 & August 23-27 – Trainer Education Program – Level 2 – Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 11-15 & October 18-22 – Trainer Education Program – Level 3 – Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY

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