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horse Show Jumping Results: CSIO Gijon Spain 27 August - 1 September 2003

Class No. 6, sponsored by TROFEO PESCANOVA
Group Class
Friday August 29, 2003

1) QUERLY CHIN; CHRISTOPHE BARBEAU (SUI) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 40.16
2) MILLENIUM; JOHN FRENCH (USA) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 40.34
3) EL CAMPEON'S SO LONG 29; EVA GONDA (USA) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 40.41

6) CHIPPISON; MARIE BURKE (IRL) Faults 0.00/0.00 Time 41.18
8) SHANNON DALE; Lt. SHANE CAREY (IRL) Faults 0.00/8.00 Time 38.68

30 starters


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