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Georgia International Horse Trials Announces Partnership With Floyd Medical Center

Georgia International Horse Trials (GIHT) announced today that it has formed a partnership with the Floyd Medical Center of Rome, Georgia to provide medical services for this new CCI**** event in the USA to be held October, 2005.

Jack Pollard, GIHT Executive Director, said, “Safety and medical support are vital aspects of event organization for both competitors and visitors. We’re delighted that Floyd Medical Center has agreed to become a partner in providing these important services. It's wonderful that the local community is so enthusiastic about this world-class event that's still two years away. They realize it's not too early to prepare and plan for an event of this scale. The cooperation, support and enthusiasm are telling signs of a quality competition in the making.”

Professionals are crafting a comprehensive plan to provide standard medical support for such a large community event, as well as specialized services specific to the sport of eventing. Floyd Medical Center personnel are learning about the sport by attending other international events. Training and drills will be held to ensure that the plans are functional. A team concept will be utilized with paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), physicians, nurses and other medical professionals.

“A medical provider has to be willing to plan and grow with an international event of this size and the Floyd personnel have expressed their sincere interest to be involved from the ground up,” added Rusty Lowe, EMT-P Safety Coordinator and Medical Officer. “The medical services have to be specific to the layout of the event for rapid response to any emergency involving competitors and spectators. This requires intense planning, preparation and resources."

“We are very excited to become a partner in an event of this caliber,” stated Stanley Payne, director of Emergency Medical Services at Floyd Medical Center. “Our staff has considerable experience in providing emergency coverage at many different venues for community events. We are able to bring a variety of access vehicles for medics to use to quickly provide medical care and transport, if it is needed.” The EMS Service at Floyd Medical Center was recently chosen as EMS Service for the State of Georgia for 2003. This is the third time this EMS service has been so honored statewide.

Kurt Stuenkel, President and CEO of Floyd Medical Center, commented, “This event will provide many economic and tourism benefits for our community and we are proud to have been chosen to play such a vital part in the Georgia International Horse Trials at Kingston Downs.”


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