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Stormin’ Norman Dello Joio Captures $30,000 Adequan Grand Prix

Bridgehampton, NY—August 29, 2003—Norman Dello Joio of Wellington, FL, captured the $30,000 Adequan Fiesta Day Grand Prix at the 28th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show in Bridgehampton, NY.

In the eleven horse jump-off, the times kept getting quicker and quicker. The second-last rider in the ring, Dello Joio was the fastest of them all, clocking in at 35.46 seconds.

“The course was careful, and I was expecting only five or six clears,” noted Dello Joio of the test set by course designer Conrad Homfeld of Southampton, NY. “There were a lot of very good horse/rider combinations in the competition.”

Dello Joio, a 1992 individual Olympic bronze medalist, was riding Glasgow, a 14-year-old chestnut Dutch Warmblood gelding by Emilion that Dello Joio purchased with the Glasgow Group in Scotland.

“My plan was to just go easy and save my horse for Sunday, but he felt so good over the first fence, I just let him go for it,” said Dello Joio, 47. “He loves the big turf course.”

Beezie Madden, the number one ranked female rider in the world, settled for second riding Desilvio, an eight-year-old chestnut gelding owned by Abigail Wexner. The Cazenovia, NY, resident had the early lead after posting a time of 36.20 seconds.

The first rider back in the jump-off, Laura Linback of Mundelein, IL, set the standard by posting a second clear round in a time of 36.22 seconds riding the nine-year-old mare, Grand So So. Linback has just returned home after spending the summer competing in Europe on the United States Equestrian Team (USET) Developing Riders Tour.

Lauren Hough, a member of the gold medal team along with Madden at the recent 2003 Pan American Games in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, was fourth riding Calisko while Debbie Stephens rounded out the top five by having the fastest four-fault finish in the jump-off riding Cosequin’s CEO.

Fifty-five horses took to the field in an attempt to qualify for Sunday’s $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix, a member event of the King Shavings U.S. Grand Prix League (USGPL). The top 30 riders in Friday’s competition advance to Sunday’s grand prix. Limited to one horse each, riders will compete in the reverse order of finish, meaning Dello Joio will have the luxury of being the final ride in the ring.

Saturday features the $25,000 Sally Hansen Grand Prix before the 28th Hampton Classic Horse Show culminates on Sunday. Featuring the top riders in the country, the Classic officially opened on Sunday, August 24.

Numerous activities and exhibitions will take place throughout the week while shopping is at its best in the Boutique Garden and Stable Row. There is no lack of choice when it comes time to eat with numerous on-site restaurants offering a variety of choices.

Admission to the Hampton Classic Horse Show is $5 per person or $15 per carload, with children under 6 admitted free. Reserved grandstand seating for Grand Prix Sunday, August 31, is $15 per person (in addition to $5/person or $15/carload admission) or $25 per person in the special Premium Seating center sections. Parking is free throughout the show week.


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