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horse Aromatherapy 4 Animals Course 13th/14th September

Aromatherapy for Animals Course information.

Introduction to Essential Oils Therapy for Animals

Part 1 - Introduction

Learn everything you need to know to start using essential oils safely and effectively on your own animals including: the properties and uses of approximately 22 essential oils, how to blend them and offer them to animals, how to use kinesiology to help select the oils.

Part 2 - Practice

More oils, more Kinesiology, personal practice. Putting to practice everything you learnt in day one with in depth study cases.

This two day course covers all you need to know to use the oils on your own animals. Places are limited so reserve your place early.

Cost per day : £55.00 including lunches. Deposit: £20.00

All courses will be held nr Biggin Hill, in Kent. If you would like to be placed on the list and for us to contact you when the dates are finalised please e-mail us 0n:


Nayana is a certified Essential Oils for Animals Therapist and a member of GEOTA, the profession's regulatory body. She has worked with animals ‘all her life’ and loves to share with others all she has learnt from her life-long passion for animals and their well-being.

She grew up in England, pony clubbing and generally tearing around the countryside and early on discovered she had a way with difficult horses. Maybe it’s because she was a difficult child and could empathise with them! She believes empathy is the key when working with animals.

She lived and worked in America for several years where she learnt a lot from the cowboys she was working with as ‘horse wrangler’ on a cattle ranch. She then went on and developed a system for teaching riding based on the martial arts and body awareness techniques as a way to help humans and horses communicate better. This lead to the ‘Riding Raps’ series of audio tapes for riders.

On returning to Britain in 1996 she decided to focus on the rehabilitation of ‘problem’ horses, this in turn led to the discovery of the usefulness of Essential Oil Therapy.

At first she was rather sceptical about the claims made for essential oils as she is not a person who believes in things blindly. But the horses’, and other animals she has treated, responses to the oils is too clear for doubt and sometimes their recovery has been nigh on miraculous.

Although the oils are not a substitute for qualified veterinary care and need to be used according to instructions, there is a place for them in the medicine cabinet of every animal owner..... and she would like to teach you how to use them


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