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horse Dr Ian Dunbar - Seminars 2003 timetable

One day Seminars will be taking place as follows:-

Evening Lectures - 7pm-10pm "Dog Behaviour & Training Problems"

Location and contact names and numbers. Thursday, 18 September NORWICH Atilla Azkikalek 01603 611 184

Monday, 22 September NOTTINGHAM Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

Tuesday, 23 September EAST GRINSTEAD Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

Wednesday, 24 September HARLOW Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

Thursday, 25 September SLOUGH Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

Day Seminars - 9am-5pm "Off Leash Training"

Location contant and contact numbers

Wednesday, 24 September HARLOW Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

Thursday, 25 September SLOUGH Trish Bamsey 01293 772 619

For more information on the above, ie Evening Lectures and one day Seminars, please contact Trish Bamsey on 01293 772619. Email:

3 Day Instructors Course - 9am-5pm "Play & Social Behaviour, Friendliness & Fighting and Biting"

Location contact names and contact number.

Friday, 19 Septmeber, Wood Green Animal Shelter,
Annie Jones 01582 715 765

Saturday, 20 September, Wood Green Animal Shelter,
Annie Jones 01582 715 765

Sunday, 21 September, Wood Green Animal Shelter
Annie Jones 01582 715 765

For more information on the three day Instructors Course, please contact Annie Jones by telephone or fax on 01582 715765. Email:


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