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South Essex Insurance Brokers
Horse of the Year Show 2003

Lightning and Floods Fail To Deter "Search" Hopefuls

Extreme weather conditions, including constant thunder and lightning together with flooding, failed to deter South Essex Insurance Brokers "Search for a Star" competitors at their last chance to compete at the Horse of the Year Show.

They were at the Richmond Equestrian Centre in Yorkshire for the last selection day in the current series. "Conditions were absolutely awful, but the horses were wonderful, even when they were waiting in their boxes outside," said organiser Nicolina MacKenzie, equestrian marketing manager for South Essex.

But it was a worthwhile journey from Huddersfield for Rebecca Brierley and her cob, Barney Rubble V. The pair had failed by one place to qualify in Lancashire earlier in the series - "so I thought I would have one last go." They came first in their class to clinch their place at the Horse of the Year Show, due to be held at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, on September 17-21.

First in the Riding Club Show Horse section was Euginie, ridden by Jane Walker. "I have always had an ambition to ride at the Horse of the Year Show and this is a life's ambition come true for me," she said.

The nine-year-old Working Hunter, Whinfell Mr Christian, has come a long way since he was champion foal at the Royal Show. He represented the Bedale Pony Club in both dressage and horse trials and has now clinched a Birmingham place for his 17-year-old owner, Chloe Reynard.


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