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horse Lose the fizz and enjoy your horse more with SPILLERS Cool Mix

SPILLERS COOL MIX is now better than ever. Its new 25% cooler recipe means your best friend can forget about being fizzy and stay cool, calm and controllable instead. So now you can enjoy him even more, not only for his improved coat condition but for his improved temperament too.

Knowing how vitally important it is for the horse owner to achieve a balance between energy, condition and a manageable temperament, leading nutritionists at SPILLERS have made Cool Mix an incredible 25% cooler. This, coupled with the secret ingredients of NOVAMIN-S®, a concentrated form of important nutrients, means horses fed on Cool Mix will look fantastic and be even more likely to maintain an even temperament.

Ruth Bishop, Technical Director at Effem Equine said: “We have worked hard to ensure Cool Mix has exactly the same energy level as before, but with the emphasis even more on fibre and oil. Our unique NOVAMIN-S®, concentrated micronutrient supplement is present throughout the feed, ensuring that horses get the full benefit of this improved recipe in every mouthful. The result is a horse you can enjoy even more.”

If you would like to discuss your horse’s diet with one of our qualified nutritionists telephone the SPILLERS Care Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or send an email to For further information visit the SPILLERS website at


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