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Feature Film Using Montana Talent In Development

Montana Production Company, in collaboration with a Montana Publisher, plan to begin production of Montana Made film in Spring, 2004

Miranda and Starlight is the working title for a full-length feature film by Robert Kollar and Top Herrmann Entertainment as production gets under way. This first film of a planned trilogy is based on the first two of Montana author, Janet Muirhead Hill's Starlight books, Miranda and Starlight and Starlight's Courage. The second film of the trilogy will feature Hill's sequels Starlight, Star Bright and Starlight's Shooting Star. The forthcoming titles, Starlight Shines for Miranda and Starlight Comes Home, which are slated for release in 2004 by Raven Publishing of Montana will provide material for the final film of the trilogy.

Film producer Robert Kollar, who has long had a vision for making a Montana based film, was so touched by Miranda and Starlight when he read it, that he immediately knew he had found the perfect story to fulfill this dream. The Starlight Film Project, as it has been dubbed, will result in a wholesome but gripping family movie with national and international distribution.

The screenplay adaptation of the first two books is currently being developed by the author, Janet Muirhead Hill, and the film's producer/director, Robert Kollar. It is based on the riveting adventure series by Hill, that are very quickly gaining acclaim and international distribution. With the first book published only a little over a year ago, and the fourth one just off the press, the series is already winning the hearts of horse lovers across the nation. It is a heartfelt saga of the adventures and mishaps that seal the bond of love between a girl and her horse. "This is an American story of the great outdoors, of following the wisdom of the heart, of wanting love, and living the great American dream. There's magic in the everyday. It is a portrayal of youth and hopes and the high-spirited joy of love." according to The Book Reader. In a sensitive and memorable way, the books address many issues that face today's youth. The film will too.

This film, budgeted at just under $3,000,000.00 will be approximately 110 minutes long and is sure to appeal to a wide, family oriented audience. Although casting is not yet concluded, the producer is considering cute Kelley Jo Hersrud of Columbus, Montana for the lead role of Miranda Stevens. Kellee Jo will be 10 years old at the time of shooting and is a champion horse person, winning blue ribbons throughout the state of Montana. Unfortunately she has diabetes type 1. Otherwise, she is strong and healthy. Although she needs to wear an insulin pump, she faces life couragously with an attitude that will win the hearts of all who see her and hear her story. The producer is seeking other Montana children with the same courageous spirit for various roles in the film. Girls and boys aged 8-11 who have experience with horses and being in front of the spotlight, and/or have a great desire to act will be considered for screen testing. We seek to empower the youth and spirit of Montana with this film and to discover and develop home-grown talent for this and future roles.

Top Hermann Entertainment plans a six week (5 day weeks) shoot set in Southwestern Montana beginning in Spring 2004. One great location which is probably suitable for about 80% of the filming has been found; another that will support approximately 10% is being strongly considered, and other locations are still to be determined. In keeping with making this a completely Montana made film, with cast, musicians, technicians and locations all being of Montana, Top Hermann Entertainment is soliciting submissions for all of the above mentioned talent.

Further investment opportunities are still being considered.

For information on the story and to access the Starlight book series, go to the Raven Publishing website at:

We are also still seeking a young black stallion or gelding in the Montana or Northwestern US region trainable for this trilogy: for the role of Starlight, the two-year old black stallion. Please send any correspondence to: Top Herrmann Entertainment, PO Box 2885, Norris, MT 59772

For information on the BREAKING NEWS STORY on the Starlight Film Project, see the Billings Gazette article:


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