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Horse Welfare Charity Welcomes UK Stance on Animals Moving to Slaughter in the EU

At a televised debate on animal welfare at yesterday's (Monday 23 September) EU Agriculture Council, Margaret Beckett, DEFRA Secretary of State pushed for shorter journey times for animals moving to slaughter in the EU. She went on to say that they should be introduced without delay.

The UK is pushing for a maximum journey time of 8 hours, with some exceptions, and the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) welcomes this stance. Says Jo White, Campaigns Manager at the ILPH, "We are extremely pleased that the Government wants to see a reduction in the maximum journey time for animals travelling to slaughter from the present 24 to 28 hours which we feel is totally unacceptable."

The Secretary of State went on to say that there was a need to improve third country (countries outside the EU) standards too.

Comments Keith Meldrum, ILPH Political Adviser, "We totally support the view that third country welfare standards with regard to animal transportation need to be improved.

"At present there is no requirement to record the date and time of loading. Neither is there any requirement for rest, feed, or water on the journey. The ILPH is actively campaigning for the adoption of a compulsory 24 hour rest, with food and water, for all equines intended for slaughter, on entering the EU - and their onward journey only to
be allowed after a veterinary inspection has passed them fit to travel.

"We eagerly await the Commission's proposal for a new Welfare Transport Directive which is due to be published later this year."


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