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Tish with the Lite-Lift fork

Lite-Lift Set To Revolutionise The Equestrian World!

Lite-Lift is a revolutionary new shavings fork specifically designed to dramatically reduce the strain of mucking out horse stables and yards.

The invention of horsewoman and animal sanctuary owner, Tish Fearn, the Lite-Lift is manufactured from polypropylene and aluminium and is extremely tough and durable, yet is so light it can be balanced on just one finger! It incorporates a fully adjustable handle making it suitable for both short and tall individuals and can be adapted to the user's own personal requirements.

"Being born without a left hand, I found the task of mucking out particularly arduous and when I started to suffer from debilitating tendonitis I knew I had to take action," explains Tish.

Developed in conjunction with Sheffield Hallam University, Tish and her team began using the prototype Lite-Lift in numerous field trails and were amazed with the results. Mucking out took half the time and Tish's tendonitis showed signs of improvement within a few weeks.

"Mucking out is a back breaking task at the best of times and traditional shavings forks are very heavy and cumbersome which only adds to the strain on backs, necks and arms. I would urge people to try the Lite-Lift and experience for themselves the huge difference it can make," concludes Tish.

The Lite-Lift shavings fork goes on sale from 18th September and will be available from all major stockists. The product is also available via mail order, Tel: 01937 541555 or e-mail: All trade enquiries to Battle Hayward and Bower Limited, Tel: 01522 529206.


horse Lite-Lift Eases The Strain For Claire

Claire Turner has worked with Tish Fearn for many years. Back in 1994, she severely damaged a bone in her thoracic vertebrae following a fall from her horse whilst jumping a cross-country fence.

"For nearly three months I couldn't walk, run, ride cycle or go to the gym, in fact the only exercise I could take had to be overseen by my physiotherapist or doctor," explains Claire.

"I was prescribed various painkillers and steroids to keep the pain and discomfort at bay and had to undergo physiotherapy sessions several times a week to help ease the muscle spasms caused by my injury."

"I could only keep away from the horses for so long and, after 18 months and against the advice of my physio, I was back at the stable yard doing the job I loved."

"Mucking out 11 horses with traditional implements would see me in excruciating pain and would lead to me being laid up as I could neither sit nor stand because of the pain. When Tish came up with the idea for the Lite-Lift shavings fork and shovel, we couldn't wait for the prototype to be made so we could field test it. I was particularly interested in testing the Lite-Lift to see if it would have an effect on my back."

"When the prototype finally arrived I couldn't believe the difference it made to the task. During the trial period of using the Lite-Lift I have seen a dramatic change to my routine and the strain on my back is greatly reduced thanks to the fact that the Lite-Lift can be adjusted to suit my own individual requirements. Mucking out also takes half the time it used to!"

"My spine is still weak, running and other sports jar my back and can cause severe spasms. I still ride occasionally but rarely do any jumping. I have had to give up a lot, but I am very grateful that I am still able to have contact with the horses in the form of teaching, clipping and turning out horses for shows - I am even in the process of breaking in three Newforest ponies!"

"Mucking out is one of the key tasks involved with keeping horses and even though it is an arduous task, any time I can spend with the horses is an added bonus. The Lite-Lift has enabled me to continue with such tasks and, as I'm not spending so much time at the physiotherapist centre anymore, I can be outside with the animals doing the job that I adore," concludes Claire.

A Very Horsey History

Tish Fearn was born in South Africa into an animal orientated environment. At home amongst other family pets, some exotic, some ordinary, she had a dog that was trained to follow and protect her. At the time she didn't appreciate the intrusion but she soon learnt to understand the behaviour between human and animal.

Tish moved to England with her family and as she grew up the family pets became an important part of Tish's life. Her interest in horses began in her teenage years and developed further when she had children of her own. Tish's daughter Tess showed enough interest for Tish to decide to buy a pony for Tess and a horse for herself.

Her visits to local livestock auctions in search of a suitable pony for Tess proved quite harrowing as the inhumane treatment of many of the horses could be openly witnessed. This caused Tish to return to the auctions on a regular basis in an attempt to try and improve the situation and conditions the animals were kept in. At the same time, Tish also started to receive phone calls and letters from concerned members of the public wanting to report cases of animal cruelty.

More and more animals came Tish's way and she was determined to actively fight the scourge of animal cruelty she witnessed on a daily basis. Therefore, Tish decided to form a registered charity fondly known as NEDS, the National Equine Defence Society. NEDS is an equine charity recognised by the National Equine Welfare Council and is currently home to 11 horses with around 200 animals out on loan.

Some of the horses Tish took in suffered from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a form of asthma which meant they could not be bedded down on straw. Shavings had to be used to relieve the horses' symptoms and, when Tish and her team had to muck out the stables, they employed a traditional shavings fork. Shavings forks are heavy and cumbersome and with mucking out being an arduous task at the best if times, the job was made doubly difficult with the inadequate equipment available on the market.

Tish suffered more than most having only one hand to work with and developed tendonitis because of the increased workload on her good arm. The problem and pain did not ease and Tish's GP threatened her with a plaster cast and, worse still, giving up caring for her horses if she didn't rest her arm. So, Tish put her mind to re-inventing the wheel by taking a radical approach to re-designing the traditional shavings fork for the benefit of horse owners everywhere.

Tish realised that the fork had to be exceptionally light yet extremely hardwearing and contacted Business Link West Yorkshire to find out about grants for innovative business ideas. She applied for a Micro Smart Award and won a grant for £8,750 that enabled her to design and produce the first prototype.


Working closely with John Allen at Sheffield Hallam University, Tish also produced a shovel to be used for mucking out stable yards and paddocks. She and her team used the products in extensive field trials and were amazed with the results. 10 prototypes later and the Lite-Lift shavings fork and shovel were born and Tish and her team would not be without them.

The Lite-Lift is so light it can be balanced quite effortlessly on just one finger. It is fully adjustable so can be used by both short and tall individuals and personally adapted to the user so it is totally comfortable to use. The Lite-Lift is so easy to use it drastically minimises the amount of time needed to complete mucking out and, most importantly, strain on the back and arms is almost eliminated.

As an innovation, the Lite-Lift is not restricted to the equine industry but can also be applied to tools used in the gardening, cleaning and farming sectors. The Lite-Lift is the perfect solution to tough jobs which would normally induce considerable muscle strain and is also suitable for the elderly and those who suffer from back, arm or neck problems.

Lite-Lift Limited, Tel: 01937 541555 or e-mail: All trade enquiries to Battle Hayward and Bower Limited, Tel: 01522 529206.



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