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Nikki Tate’s Great Pony Express Adventure 2002

Ely, NV Welcomes Canadian Children's Author With Enthusiasm

Ely, NV - - It was a whirlwind day in Ely, NV Friday for Nikki Tate as she launched her Pony Express tour in conjunction with her tenth children’s novel, Jo’s Triumph (Orca Book Publishers) which is set around the historic Pony Express.

"I’m overwhelmed," Nikki said in wonderment after an afternoon of talking to a steady stream of children, local business people, cowboys and ranchers who lined up to have her sign her books. A lot of interest in the event had been generated by local cultural maven Margaret Bath who organized Nikki’s appearance at her Economy Drugs and Soda Fountain in the heart of the town. Complete with pony and full Pony Express regalia, Nikki was the center of attention, first in the parking lot, and then, forced inside by a very rare rainfall (the first in the area in two years) at the store’s soda fountain.

Earlier in the day Nikki delighted students at McGill Elementary School and David E. Norman School as she rode up her small gray Arab mare who seemed to enjoy her Pony Express role. It was a rare treat for the children of the remote Nevada area to have the opportunity to talk to an author who writes about many of the local geographic locations familiar to them. .

Nikki’s day started out with an on-air interview at a local radio station where she talked about her family connection to Ely. Her father, Colin Williams, painted the the first mural in Ely two years ago as part of the town’s outdoor mural program.

Nikki’s day ended with another interview, this one for the popular Nevada television feature Tyson’s Tales which chronicles stories of the people and places in Nevada.

Nikki is riding sections of the Pony Express Trail, delivering Pen Pal letters from British Columbia school children to students en route and talking to them about the real events that inspired Jo’s Triumph and about her life as a writer. Her adventures in Nevada will culminate at the Great Basin Book Fair in Reno on September 21.

Follow Nikki Tate's Pony Express Adventure on her website at


Bolen Books (Victoria, BC) Clearsilver Media (Victoria, BC) Horse Council BC (Aldergrove, BC) Leisure Time Rentals (Victoria, BC) Orca Book Publishers (Victoria, BC) Scrapbook Parade (Victoria, BC) Sono Nis Press (Winlaw, BC) Theatre Row Auto Sales (Victoria, BC) Karl Schutz (Chemainus, BC)


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