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Shields Grabs Early Lead in the Triple Crown of Driving, Presented by Driving Essentials, Inc./Glinkowski Carriages

West Grove, PA—September 12, 2002—Kate Shields of Middleburg, VA, took the early lead in the Triple Crown of Driving, presented by Driving Essentials, Inc./Glinkowski Carriages. Shields won the Advanced Singles division at The Laurels at Landhope Combined Driving Event, the first leg of the Triple Crown, held in West Grove, PA, September 6-8.

The 2002 Triple Crown consists of three events: The Laurels at Landhope Driving Event, the Gladstone Driving Event in Gladstone, NJ, October 11-13, and the Fair Hill International Driving Event in Fair Hill, MD, October 24-27.

At the Laurels at Landhope, Shields took first place in the Advanced Singles division with a score of 108.10 penalties. The win gave her the lead in the Triple Crown over two-time Triple Crown champion, Lisa Singer, who won the Advanced Pairs division with a score of 110.70 penalties and is in second place in the Triple Crown standings. Canadian Andre Paquin finished second behind Singer in the Advanced Pairs division with a score of 115.70 and sits in third place in the Triple Crown.

Each of the Triple Crown events, The Laurels, The Gladstone Driving Event and The Fair Hill International, offers a testing, three-phase competition. The components are dressage, highlighting training and obedience; the exciting marathon, where speed, timing, and nerve rule the day; and cones, which emphasizes accuracy. The competition is for horses showing at the advanced level in the Singles or Pairs divisions. There is no U.S. citizenship requirement, but drivers must compete at all three of the participating events.

The Triple Crown champion is determined by adding each competitor’s two best final scores from the three events with the championship being awarded to the driver with the lowest combined score from his or her two best events.

The 2001 Triple Crown champion was Nancy Johnson of Lincoln, MA, with her horse Canequin’s Look Out.

This year, Driving Essentials, Inc. will provide the prize for the Triple Crown champion, a Glinkowski Carriage. The winner of the illustrious title will receive his or her choice of either a single or pair FEI Presentation or Marathon competition vehicle made by Glinkowski Carriages.

For more information about the Triple Crown of Combined Driving, please call (610) 486-6484.


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