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horse Over 1500 competitors to descend on Lincolnshire Showground for British Riding Club Championships

Over 1500 competitors will descend on Lincolnshire Showground this weekend (13-14 September) to take part in the British Riding Clubs' National Championships, the largest of their kind to be held in the UK. Classes include Novice and Open Show Jumping, Novice and Open Dressage, Pairs Dressage, Rural Riders, with teams of six riders in the arena at the same time, Equitation Jumping and the NAF Evergreen Veteran Championship.

With sixteen dressage arenas and four jumping rings, there is no shortage of competition to keep even the most discerning spectator entertained. Saturday will see the Senior Championships take place with the Junior Championships and the Evergreen Class on Sunday.

A Championship Party will be held in the main hall on both Friday and Saturday evenings with music, hot food and a licensed bar. Admission to this is free. There is no charge for entry to spectators on competition days and there will be trade stands and public catering available throughout.

The showground is easily accessed from the A1, taking the A46 exit and ring road around Lincoln, then the A15 north (Scunthorpe). The showground is just south of the A15 junction with the A1500.


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