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New Designs for Old Courses

COUNTRYSIDE SHOWJUMPS have been leading the way in sales of high quality MOBILE CROSS COUNTRY fences for several years and we are pleased to announce new additions to our range.

Already popular with the public, riding clubs and equestrian centres the new additions will bring that "big course feel" to any setting. New designs include Dog kennel, Mushroom and Log roll.

Sizes start from 1'6" through to 4' so there really is something for everyone.

A full package of accessories is available, flags, markers, pillars, timing and p.a equipment.

All designs are shown in our brochure or on our comprehensive website.

We are already working on more new designs which will be available in 2004.

Don't Forget we also offer a complete range of high quality timber and plastic SHOWJUMPS from starter packages to championship courses.

For a full colour brochure on all our products Tel: 01473 240340 or view online:


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