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Fmi: William A. Hutchinson, tel: 413-665-7649

"Gifted author Ellen Feld brings back the main characters from her acclaimed book 'Blackjack' in this wonderful sequel. Not since the great stories of Marguerite Henry, C.W. Anderson and Walter Farley has an author so captured the romance and allure of horses for the teenage market. I loved every word!" Hallie McEvoy, author of Genuine Risk and Horse Show Judging for Beginners

A Book For Horse Crazy Pre-Teens


Young girls love horses and they love reading about them. This is a book filled with horse action, sure to capture the imagination of all those youngsters. Readers will be drawn to the story of the rare gray Morgan Horse and her owner while trying to figure out what rare condition has struck one of the other beloved horses in the story. Ellen F. Feld has taken her knowledge and love of horses and combined them to create a story that teaches while it entertains.

Famed equine artist Jeanne Mellin Herrick beautifully illustrates this book. In addition to a detailed cover, Mrs. Herrick has created five original drawings to accompany the text.

Ellen F. Feld is a regular writer for numerous horse magazines, both regional and national in scope. Frosty is her second novel, a sequel to the highly successful book Blackjack.

Frosty will be available in October 2003 for $9.95 in most bookstores as well as through major distributors. It will also be available from the publisher at

Frosty: The Adventures of a Morgan Horse by Ellen F. Feld. Original edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 199 pages, perfect bound, 5 illustrations. ISBN 0-9709002-2-8. $9.95. Publication: Fall 2003.


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