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Laura Boynton King Mesmerizes the Crowd at The Governor’s Club

Wellington, Florida – September 25, 2003 -- Last week, over 60 members of the exclusive Governor’s Club, located at Philips Point in West Palm Beach, learned a new way to relax and get more out of life…the Laura Boynton King way.

Laura, a noted hypnotist, explained to the eager crowd that, through the use of hypnosis, a person can reprogram negative attitudes and feelings buried in the subconscious, leading to life-changing results. During the total state of relaxation achieved while hypnotized, Laura described how the subconscious goes into a heightened state of awareness. While in that state, Laura is able (either in a personal session or through listening to one of her self-hypnosis tapes) to make positive suggestions, ultimately ridding the subconscious of the negative thoughts while reprogramming it towards the positive. This reprogramming can deal with many issues such as fear-of-flying, smoking, over-eating or simply learning how to relax in order to enjoy life to the max. Leading a relaxed life contributes to health, well-being and slows the aging process.

Laura, who is a certified hypnotist, sports hypnotist and neuro-linguistic programmer with offices in Palm Beach Gardens and Wellington, has had over 25 years of experience in the field. Laura is the founder of Summit Dynamics LLC, a multi-faceted company that produces Laura’s CDs and publications.

The crowd was mesmerized by Laura’s explanation of the benefits of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Many had never heard of the techniques. Others were skeptical coming in. But, by the end, all left with an appreciation of the benefits of Laura’s methodology.

For further information, contact Phelps Wilkes & Associates, Inc. at (561) 753-3389 or at Or, contact Laura directly at (561) 841-7603 or visit her website at


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