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MGAGB Home International

The cream of British mounted games riders can be seen this weekend (September 6/7) at the Mounted Games Association of Great Britian Home Interntaional.

Held at Carlisle Racecourse the two-day competition will see riders from across Great Briatin compete for the annual international competitions.

Teams taking part are British Champions, England North, England South, Scotland and Wales in both junior (under 17) and open age groups.

Mounted games are a series of very fast relay races using ponies which do not exceed 148cms. The ponies wear simple tack - only snaffle bits are worn - and whips and spurs are not permitted.

The competition will take place over four sessions - with Sunday afternoon the climax to the competition. Last year England South won the open competition and the British Champions (Berkshire) the junior equivalent.

Also taking place at Carlisle is a Friendly - with teams from around the country also taking part.

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