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horse C.S. Stutesman Named 2003 Equine Artist of Distinction by North American Horsemen's Association

The North American Horsemen's Association, Paynesville, MN, is pleased to announce the selection of C.S. Stutesman of Bowie, AZ, as recipient of the 2003 Equine Artist of Distinction Award. C.S. (Cezanne) Stutesman is given this honor in recognition of her knowledge, talent, and skill at portraying horses with versatility of style, boldness of color, and sensitivity of meaning, to create art that is beautiful, majestic, and unforgettable. This award also acknowledges her for bringing art and art history to students in rural areas and to shut-ins at hospitals and in nursing homes.

Part of the honor includes a story about Stutesman in the 2003 NAHA Yearbook of News. The magazine also features her paintings "Gold Rush" on the magazine's front cover and "Bring the Beans" on the inside back cover opposite to a poem by the artist entitled, "Lord, Make Me Like My Horse. "


The artist's work is in many private collections from Lexington, Kentucky to British Columbia. She has been featured on PBS and in newspaper and magazine articles, and in radio interviews. Besides creating art by commission, she also finds herself judging art shows from time to time. Stutesman relates how during one defining moment, while doing an important commission of a national park scene for The Department of the Interior, a PBS film crew climbed the side of a mountain to film her while she painted.

Stutesman's versatility comes through in her other specialties of painting landscapes and aviation scenes in oil using various techniques, as well as her work in other mediums, such as water color, acrylics, charcoal, pen and ink, and sculpting in clay. What Stutesman enjoys most about her work is that her waking hours are spent
with horses. The artist explains, "Because horses are such an important part of what I do and who I am, I actually see art in just two ways; with or without horses! The loveliest landscape appears empty to me without horses in it."

"Painting is such a mental and emotional process for me, " Stutesman explains. "Most of my work is commissioned, and what a pleasure it is to meet so many nice people and their horses. The joy of my life is in getting to know my subject and this takes time. A balance must always be struck between portraying the horse
according to my emotional response to him, balanced with portraying the horse as the owner sees him. I want my art to show the horse to be as good as he can be on his very best day."

About her life's work, Stuteman says, "I never forget that I am privileged to love my work and to work at what I love."


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