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horse PAC 2003 Site Ready To Welcome Endurance Riders

The trails are cleared and marked, and organizers of the Pan American Endurance Championship say everything is ready for the international slate of riders now on their way to Trout Lake, WA. for the September 13 ride.

PAC organizer Stephanie Irving says that even with fire prevention measures being strictly adhered to, workers have managed to get everything ready for camp to open on September 7. A forecast of rain for the weekend will hopefully relieve the extremely dry conditions that have plagued the entire Pacific Northwest this summer.

Irving says the PAC ride committee is excited that its six years of work to prepare the site will be rewarded with some of the best endurance riders in the world coming to the ride. The 100-miles of trails, in the beautiful Gifford-Pinchot National Forest, range in elevation from 2,000 to 3,800 feet.

PAC 2003 will officially kick off with Thursday’s opening ceremonies, with the team vet checks scheduled for Friday morning. And at 5:00am Saturday morning, approximately 100 riders and their horses will leave camp to begin one of the most scenic and challenging rides many of them have ever faced, competing for top honors both individually and for their teams.

Visit the PAC 2003 website at for updated information.


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