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PolyPads® add pizzazz to their range

PI Associates/PolyPads®, recently awarded top marks in saddle pad pressure testing trials, have launched a fabulous range of designer bindings for riders who want something with a touch of pizzazz for their horse, with no compromise to quality and performance.

Riders can choose from a sophisticated navy with gold braid, a lively rainbow stripe or go for a contemporary, geometric grey and black design, to complement PolyPads® wide choice of colours.

These new, distinctive bindings can be used on the entire PolyPads® range to give an individual look, not only under the saddle but also for PolyPads® driving, travel, stable and pet products.

Said Penny Makinson, Proprietor of PI Associates/PolyPads®: “We are starting to get a large number of requests for more glamorous saddle pads. Our designer collection should cater for most tastes, and means that those who want to can dare to be different and stylishly stand out from the crowd.”

For further information on the PI Associates/PolyPads® range please telephone: 01284 850511 or visit the website at


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