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horse Robinsons' two-storey Superstore to open on November 2nd

At 12 noon on Sunday 2nd November 2003, Robinsons' two-storey Superstore will open in a blaze of publicity. It will have taken just four hundred and nine days following the fire, which devastated the old store, to design, approve, build and finish a Superstore. The equestrian market in the UK has never seen anything like this before. At two storeys high, with 24,000 sq. ft of showroom space there will now be an additional 80% more showroom space. There'll be more leisurewear and equestrian products and another customer favourite, the very popular Nose Bag Café returns, this time with a more extensive menu and of course with lots more space. There'll also be a huge function room that will be used for some regular promotional events as well as book signings, 'Group Visits' and special occasions.

Another major change is that the modern and distinctive new Superstore will not feature a feed store; instead a new Stable & Farm outlet has recently opened just five minutes drive away at Bryn on the South Lancashire Industrial Estate. Managing Director, Jim Bentham said, " The process of replacing our old store has been very long and often frustrating. We're absolutely sure that the finished store will be worth the time that we and all our customers have had to wait. The whole team at Robinsons have worked extremely hard to ensure that this will be by far the best place for equestrian shopping for many years to come! "

An artist's impression of the new store
The new store Sept. 2003



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