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Beware the rain warns Spillers

There is a real risk of laminitis once grass starts to grow on pasture parched by the long dry spell, warns Ruth Bishop, Technical Director.

It is inevitable that rain will produce a flush of highly nutritious grass this autumn. The parched, dry land conceals warm soil, where plant nutrients have accumulated around the grass roots while there has been no growth during the summer. Once rain arrives, the grass plant will flourish in the same way as pasture which has been fertilised.

Owners of horses and ponies at risk of laminitis are advised to manage them as they would in the spring. Limit grazing once the grass grows and use SPILLERS HAPPY HOOF, the very palatable and balanced chopped fibre feed or SPILLERS HIGH FIBRE CUBES, the complete low calorie feed which perfectly meets horses’ and ponies’ needs for a high fibre diet. Both feeds are approved by the Laminitis Trust, to safely meet nutritional needs.

Ruth Bishop, says: “This type of grass is very high in nutrient value. Laminitis is a real risk for horses and ponies turned out for a large part of the day. Do not be fooled by the apparent lack of lush grass. Think of your lawn as a barometer of grass growth and you will realise that your paddocks are growing at the same rate.”

If you would like to discuss your horse’s diet with one of our qualified nutritionists telephone the SPILLERS Care Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or send an email to For further information visit the SPILLERS website at


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