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Thank you for offering to take part in this survey. Having a horse that has had Equine Rhabdomyolysis, I am sure that you appreciate how difficult if can be to identify the specific cause or causes, and therefore the most effective management of the problem to prevent further episodes. Not only is it known by many different names, but it appears to have a number of different causes.

It would be very much appreciated if you could print off and complete the following questionnaire and return it to:
B. Pestell, 13 Froxfield, Eversholt, Milton Keynes, MK17 9DP

Alternatively, please click here and contact Beth to receive an electronic copy.

Name…………………………… Address ……………………………………….


Tel no ………………………….. ………………………………………

Horse details: Height ………hh

Age ……………

Breeding/type ………………….

Sex Mare/gelding/stallion (delete as appropriate)


It would be very helpful if you could include copies of any veterinary reports that you may have.



When was your horse first diagnosed with ERS? Month ………… Year …….…..

Was your horse diagnosed by the vet? Yes No

How long have you owned your horse? …………

Is your horse related to any others that have had ERS? Yes No

If yes please give details of relationship …………………………………………………

How many episodes has your horse had? One two more than two

If more than two – how often do the episodes occur? ……………

What tests were done by the vet if any Blood test

Muscle Biopsy

Other – please specify …………………..

About the first episode

Was your horse: stabled out at grass half stabled/half at grass

Was your horse: fit (in regular work) not in work semi-fit (work 2-3 x week)

What feed was your horse having at the time? ………………………………………..

(please give detail of feed type & if possible approximate amount per day)

What was your horse doing when the episode occurred?


Had your horse been vaccinated within the last month? Yes No

If yes, please specify which vaccination ………………………………..

Had your horse had an infection or been in contact with any infection/virus within the last month ?

Yes No

If yes what type? ………………………

About subsequent episodes

Did they occur in the same or very similar circumstances? Yes No

If not – please give brief description of circumstances……………………………

Were the episodes: more severe less severe about the same

What treatment has your horse been given for the episodes?

Immediate treatment……………………………….

On-going treatment ……………………………….

What management procedures have you been using to help reduce/stop episodes?


How helpful/effective have they been? …………………………………………..

Is there any other information that you think may be relevant?……………………………………………………………………..

May we contact you by telephone if we need any further information? Yes No

Thank you for you help in completing this questionnaire.

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