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horse El Libro de los Hierros (The book of brands)

Once again, we are delighted to contact you to inform you of the publication of a new book researched and written by Juan Carlos Altamirano entitled, El Libro de los Hierros (The book of brands).

This publication contains of over 6000 brands, which date from the 16th century to the present. Included in alphabetical order are the names of the breeders of the Pure Spanish Horse and their place of origin in Spain. You will also be able to view and identify the PRE brands of England, France, Costa Rica, Austria, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada and the United States, to name a few.

Available for the first time is a thorough collection of brands based on documentation generated over the centuries by the different regulatory laws of Spain pertaining to the registration of these horses. This anthology dates from the original brand of King Philip II of Spain in 1567.

Explained in the introduction, which is in a bilingual format, Spanish- English, is the history of when and why brands began to be used to distinguish ownership of the Pure Spanish horses. Centuries later, branding would be obligatory as a means of identifying and monitoring Spainís equine population.

This book contains 348 pages of 22x16 cm on quality stock semi gloss paper bound with a leather finish. The front cover has the book title embossed with gold. The glossy jacket of this book as has the title embossed in gold and contains a color photograph of a Spanish horse.



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