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Fair Hill to Host 2003 Pan American Eventing Championship

Fair Hill, MD- October 8, 2002—The Fair Hill International has been selected to host the Pan American Eventing Championship in 2003. Since there will be no eventing at the Pan American Games in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, next summer, the Fédération Equestre Internationale (International Equestrian Federation – FEI), has chosen the Fair Hill International to host a Pan American Eventing Championship at the Fair Hill Natural Resources Area, October 22-26, 2003.

“This is great news not only for everyone connected with the Fair Hill International but for all Eventing fans in the U.S.,” said Fair Hill International founder and co-President Trish Gilbert. “We are thrilled to be able to host the best eventing horses and riders from the entire Western Hemisphere and give our fans the opportunity to watch this exciting championship competition.”

The Pan American Games are held every four years, always in the year prior to the Olympic Games. As always is the case in the Pan American Games, the Pan American Eventing Championship at Fair Hill will be held at the three star level.

The United States traditionally does well in Eventing at the Pan American Games. The U.S. won the team Gold Medal, as well as individual Silver and Bronze Medals, at the last Pan American Games in Winnipeg, Canada in 1999.

The 2003 Pan American Championship will mark the first time since 1991 that the Pan American Eventing Championship has been held separately from the Pan American Games. In 1991, there was an Eventing Championship held in Chatworth, GA, because there was no eventing at the Pan American Games in Havana, Cuba.

For more information about Fair Hill International, please call (410) 398-2111 or visit


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