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Federation Equestre Internationale News

31 October 2002

- Eventing Committee Meeting
- Endurance Committee Meeting


The Eventing Committee met in Angers (FRA) after a very successful Eventing World Championship of 6 and 7 year old Young Horses in Lion d’Angers. 5 Stud books participated in the team Championship and 16 studbooks were represented in the competition with riders from 21 NFs.

The main discussion on the Committee’s agenda were:

- Olympic format of Eventing depending on the IOC decision further to the IOC Program commission recommendations.

- Review of the Eventing Championship of the WEG in Jerez.

- Format of Courses for Eventing Officials for 2003. Discussions on training programs and promotion procedures for Eventing Officials are ongoing with the International Eventing Officials Club (IEOC).

- Eventing Safety Program for 2003 as well as cooperation with TRL were reviewed and will be finalized in the next month. Decision was taken to postpone official approval of the Safety pin developed by Great Britain until better evidence could be obtained. Possibility for NFs/OC to use such pins under the supervision of an approved official for next year was possible and encouraged.

- Eventing Development program managed by Capt José Ortelli (ARG) for South America, and Mrs Jennifer Millar (GBR) for the South East Asian region was reviewed and the Committee concluded that the distribution of financial and technical assistance was very effective. For 2003, the program for the East-European countries would be developed and managed by Mr Hans Klemm (GER) and by the newly appointed Mr Andrew Griffiths (GBR).


The FEI Endurance Committee held a special meeting on 29 October in London (GBR) primarily to discuss the problems that arose during and following the World Equestrian Games Endurance Event. They were joined at the meeting by Prof. Leo Jeffcott Chairman of the FEI Veterinary Committee and the FEI Secretary General Dr Bo Helander.

As the files on the two horses that died have been sent to the Judicial Committee the committee did not discuss these specific cases, however they did agree that many aspects of the WEG Endurance were poorly organised and that much more control was required for future Championships.

The Committee further discussed methods to protect the welfare of horses competing at major rides and agreed on a number of new proposals that will be presented to the FEI Bureau at its meeting next week in Moscow (RUS).


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