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horse HorseMates! - A National database to improve the quality of life for all horses and ponies (

HorseMates! Has been formed in order to create a National database of horse and pony details, primarily to help stop abuse of horses and ponies by unscrupulous individuals, but also to allow people to find out what happened to horses and ponies that have moved on to pastures new.

There have been many stories of horses or ponies being sold to people because they look as though they would be suited to a particular task, when in truth there are medical or psychological reasons why the animal can not perform the task. A friend of ours purchased a young, healthy looking thoroughbred horse from a respectable individual, with a view to doing a little jumping when the horse and rider became better acquainted. After only a little light exercise, the poor horse was really showing signs of distress. The vet was called and upon further investigation the horse was diagnosed with a serious heart condition and a much shortened life expectancy. Our friend decided to keep the horse as a companion for their old pony, however, not all horses or ponies are that lucky! You could say that our friend should have used a vet before the purchase, but people don't always do the right thing when they are buying a horse or pony, especially if the seller seems to be a genuine person.

As a less dramatic, yet more common example, a lady came to us who had adopted a young horse from a local sanctuary. He seemed to have some discomfort and was continually shaking his head. She had the dentist check him out and discovered that the horse had a mis-aligned palate. This meant that a tooth was pressing on the bit and causing pain. The dentist floated the tooth in question so that it was not long enough to press on the bit and cause pain. The lady has documented this information against her horse in HorseMates! Now, if for any reason, the horse has to go to a new owner, he won't have to suffer while the new owner discovers the problem. They can find out everything about him from HorseMates!

Vetting a horse is a little like an MOT on your car, it is only good on the day it was performed. Even a vet can't always diagnose habits or behaviours, or like and dislikes or maybe reactions to abuse from a former owner that could end up placing a new owner in a dangerous situation or the horse or pony in a situation that could range from unpleasant to dangerous. We all love our horses and ponies, and if they have to be re-housed, we want to make sure that everything goes as well for them as it can.

Often, a horse or a pony will not be owned by person for life. Many things can occur during the lifetime of a horse that will cause the need for the animal to be re-housed. Children coming along, changes in financial situation, changes in domestic situations seem to be the main culprits. Some people like to work with animals, maybe youngsters, maybe rescue animals, to prepare them for a better life with new owners. Sometimes horses or ponies are bought and sold by people that are more interested in the money they can make rather than the well-being of the horse. Fortunately, these people are not so common as they used to be.

HorseMates! received strong support from the WEO (World Equine Organisation as this remarkable equine charity believed that this database will make a big difference to the quality of life for our equine friends.

Mary King, the top UK 3 Day Eventer said " I believe that the HorseMates! database is a really good way to help provide protection for horses and ponies, and it's free! I would encourage all owners to enter the details of their horses or ponies into the HorseMates! database."

It only takes five minutes to enter your horse details in HorseMates!, surely your horse is worth it? Why not visit and enter the details of your horse or pony?
the equine register dedicated to the protection and well-being of your horses and ponies


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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.