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Maya Horsey

Maya Horsey learnt to ride when she was a child and since then has hardly been out of the saddle.

On leaving university in 1997 she became involved with the Monty Roberts way of doing things after gaining a Monty Roberts Preliminary Certificate of Horsemanship.

Hunting and Point-to-Pointers has always been Maya's first love and she continued to work in National Hunt racing for several years before travelling to Monty's ranch in California.

Here, Maya became part of the Monty Roberts International Learning Centre Development Team, creating courses to be taken by the many students beginning to flood through Flag Is Up's gates.

Now, back in the UK, Maya hs set up Rawlsbury Farm in the peaceful Dorset countryside, providing the ideal environment for young horses and their education.

Hunting and Point-to-Pointers retain their special place in Maya's heart and she spends much of her day, working with the twenty or so horses that stay on the farm.

Maya is able to offer a full training service for people with young or remedial horses as well as being able to take horses for short term livery and schooling. A wide range of clinics and courses are also available.

Maya Horsey can be contacted by phoning: 01258 881744 or by emailing:

horse Visit the Monty Roberts Learning Centre on Stand No. 53 at the British Equine Event, 2nd & 3rd November 2002


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