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Robinsons Prince Philip Cup Mounted Games

After the third round of The Robinsons’ Prince Philip Cup, which is being held at The Horse of the Year Show at Birmingham, Wylye Valley and Oakley West are in joint first place on 40 points each. In third place is Crickhowell and District on 39 points, fourth is South Trent on 35, fifth are Clydach on 28 and in sixth place is the Eglinton team on 27 points.

The Wylye Valley mounted games team were: brother and sister James (13) and Michelle Stark (15) from Stanton Drew riding their ponies Magic and Rossi, joined their cousin Chris Clinton (13) from Chewton Mendip riding Misty, Mary Chivers (14) from Stratton on the Fosse (Rosie), Tayah Barrs (13) from Freshford (Bouncer), and reserve rider Vicky Andrews (15). Their trainer is Maria Gibson from East Compton.

Riding for the Oakley team were: Charlotte Castle (14) from Market Rasen riding Vimto, Holly Howson (14) from Long Buckby (Nipper), Lauren Poole (14) from Wooton (Beds) (Poppy), Melissa Bell (14) from Nash, (Lucy), Adam Frost (13) from Wooton (N ‘hants) (Mandy) and reserve rider Jessica Cox (9). The Oakley West trainer is Maureen Thomas from Wooten End.

The seventh and final round of this prestigious competition takes place on Sunday evening when Jim Bentham, Managing Director of Robinsons, the leading equestrian mail order company, will present The Prince Philip Cup to the victors. As the six best teams in the country are here to contest this competition, which is the highlight of the Pony Club Mounted Games year.


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