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American Paint Horse Association elects new executive committee

The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) recently elected a new slate of executive committee members to head the organization for 2003-2004.

The APHA executive committee that will lead the association in 2003-2004 includes, from left, Executive Secretary Jim Kelley of Fort Worth, Texas; Immediate Past President Forrest Nelson of Meeker, Colo., Sixth Committee Member Carl Thurow of Ulysses, Kan., Fifth Committee Member Alice Singleton of Mount Vernon, Ark.; Senior Committee Member Richard Cox of Knightstown, Ind.; Vice President Carl Parker of Marriott-Slaterville, Utah; President-Elect Paul Reinbolt of Woodburn, Kentucky; and President Tom Elliott of Benson, Ariz.

Elected by their peers at the APHA Annual Convention, held Oct. 1-4 in Milwaukee, Wisc., were:

President Tom Elliott of Benson, Arizona;
President-Elect Paul Reinbolt of Woodburn, Kentucky;
Vice President Carl Parker of Marriott-Slaterville, Utah;
Senior Committee Member Richard Cox of Knightstown, Indiana;
Fifth Committee Member Alice Singleton of Mount Vernon, Arkansas;
Sixth Committee Member Carl Thurow of Ulysses, Kansas; and
Immediate Past President Forrest Nelson of Meeker, Colorado.
The election of these officers comes at a time when APHA has reached a new record high in membership, with nearly 107,000 people now active in the organization. Participation in many APHA activities and programs also has increased, including the World Championship Paint Horse Show, held annually in Fort Worth, Texas. In 2003, APHA logged a record 4,695 entries in that show, which included 1,800 horses during a 14-day period.

Since its formation in 1962, APHA has registered more than 743,000 horses in 43 nations around the world. APHA has been registering new American Paint Horses at a rate of about 60,000 per year, making it one of the fastest-growing breed registries in the world.

For more information about APHA and the American Paint Horse breed, visit, or call (817) 834-2742, extension 788.
© 2003 American Paint Horse Association
P.O. Box 961023 • Fort Worth, Texas 76161-0023
(817) 834-APHA • Fax (817) 834-3152



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