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Atlantic Superstore - guaranteed to have the ideal trough, drinker or bowl for your horse this winter…

The superb and comprehensive range of high-quality troughs, drinkers and bowls supplied by Atlantic Superstore means you can be sure to find the perfect feeding or watering solution for your specific needs over the winter months. Atlantic's line-up covers just about everything, from large galvanised drinking troughs for outdoor use to individual-use cast iron drinking bowls with nudge activated dispenser, ideal for the stable or stall. In addition, Atlantic's selection of hayracks -large and small galvanised hook-over models to double-sided, portable and circular feeders - includes the latest, safest and most reliable models. Atlantic also supplies specialist items such as the 'Foal 1', a polyethylene feeder for foals, which features a mechanism to prevent the mare from getting into the bowl, with a metal non-slip edge, drain plug and four mounting points. Because Atlantic sources its products from all over the world it is able to offer much greater choice and far better value for money than other suppliers - buyers have searched high and low to bring you the latest, most cost-effective equipment and for the first time you can be sure that you won't need to shop around.

In addition to offering the widest possible choice available, Atlantic has a professional staff on hand, all fully trained and informed in the relevant specialist areas, able to advise you on the best item to suit your particular needs and assist you throughout the selection and purchase process.

Visit our superstore to see the fantastic range for yourself!

For further information, please contact Ian Menzies Atlantic Superstore, The Old Mill, Earsham, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 2TQ. Tel: 01986 891430, fax: 01986 892496, email:


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