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horse For the holiday with a real difference take on a British Horse Society Challenge Ride!

Are you up for a challenge? Are you willing to explore wild landscapes and conquer great heights? Are you bored with 'hacking round the block' and fancy something a bit different? If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions then a British Horse Society Challenge Ride could be just what the doctor ordered!

The Inca Challenge takes you into the mysterious and magical depths and mountains of the Andes in Peru. Following the Inca trail, you will encounter heights of up to 5750 metres as you wind along the path that eventually leads you to the breathtaking Machu Picchu. A head for heights is a must, as is a reasonable level of fitness, as it will be necessary at times to lead your mount on foot up and down gradients at altitude. Whet your appetite? Then find out about the Inca Challenge Ride to Peru which takes place 11-25 June 2004.

If the Inca Challenge sounds rather strenuous for you, why not try the Hungarian Horse Riding Challenge? This offers the freedom we have always wanted but can only dream about - until now! Totally unrestricted riding along tracks and across country, without roads or gates, taking you deep into rural Hungary through open and forested countryside. Take in the views of the Somogy Maountains south of Lake Balaton, the largest fresh water lake in Europe outside Scandanavia, and feast under the starlight on traditional Hungarian open fire cooked food. This ride is a brand new Challenge, which takes place 12-19 September 2004.

Perhaps you are not a horse rider. Well The British Horse Society is offering a rare and unique opportunity for you to experience the Gobi Desert from the back of a camel. The Camel Challenge includes five days riding on two-humped camels, through desert steppes and sand dunes, experiencing real Mongolian nomadic life and culture. Take up this challenge and escape into the Gobi Desert 9-19 September 2004.

The Bedouin Challenge to Jordan is an inspiring ride across desert terrain. The vastness of the landscape is immense as you ride across sand dunes and open plains with breathtaking views and beautiful sunsets, sleeping in Bedouin tents and dining under the desert stars - this is an opportunity to really escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With plenty of time to prepare, this ride takes place 20-28 November 2004.

To take part in any of the BHS Challenge Rides all you need to do is pay a registration fee and raise a specified minimum amount for BHS Welfare. To find out more about BHS Challenge Rides please contact Wendy Minor (tel: 01926 707806) or email


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