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Federation Equestre Internationale News

13 October 2003

- Jumping Committee Meeting
- Top Ten Final - rankings
- Judicial Committee: decision on complaint of Swedish NF
- Global Dressage Forum
- Calvaro V is dead


The FEI Jumping Committee held its annual statutory meeting on 25 August 2003, following the European Jumping Championship in Donaueschingen (GER).

Among the items on the agenda for discussion were the following items:

* Prize money for European and World Jumping Championships
The Committee reaffirmed that the minimum amount of prize money acceptable for each of the above championships was 300'000 Euro. This amount does not
include the prize money for the CSI competitions at these Championships.

* European Jumping Championships Entry fees
The Committee established a maximal global entry fee of 250 Euro per rider for European Jumping Championships.

* Nations Cup
A number of items relating to the Nations Cup and the Samsung Super League will be discussed in detail by the Committee on the occasion of its second meeting in 2003. These will include the method of establishing the starting order in the first round of Nations Cup Super League competitions, Wild Cards for Super League events, increasing the number of CSIO events held in North America, as well as invitation of riders and teams from outside Europe to international events in Europe.

The Committee agreed upon a number of alterations to the rules for the Super League which will be presented to the Nations Cup Committee for consideration during its meeting in Lausanne on 11 November 2003.

* World Cup
The Committee supported a request to have the formula one round with a jump-off effective for the 2003 / 2004 Western European World Cup competitions, with the understanding that this formula could be changed immediately if a sponsor is found for the Western European World Cup League.

* CSI Categorisation and Invitations to CSI events
Additional criteria for the categorisation of CSI events will be considered by the Committee following discussion with the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) and the organisers.
Also under consideration by the Committee is a proposal to regulate invitations to CSI events based on the riders' ranking list.

* Jumping Rule - Use of Hard Hat
The use of a hard hat during parades for the Nations Cup competition and during prize giving ceremonies for the Grand Prix and Nations Cup competitions will be left to the discretion of the organising committee. In any case the decision whether to wear a hard hat or not will rest with each rider.

* Timing Systems
The FEI will produce a list of recognised timing systems.

* Recognition of Owners
The Committee supported the introduction of an International Owners' Club and additionally decided that the owners' names must be added to all start lists and result sheets from the 1 January 2004.

* List Footing Experts
A list of experts on footing was created. A meeting of those involved will be held in the near future.

* Olympic Competition formula
A meeting of the Jumping Committee is scheduled for 12 November to discuss the competition formula at the Olympic Games.

* Owner's Category
The Bureau will be asked to authorise the introduction of an owners' category for Jumping.

An advanced edition of the FEI Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings will be published on 24 NOVEMBER 2003 to decide on the participating field of the Top Ten Final to be held in Geneva (SUI) on 6 December 2003 at 21.00. The following list will be published at the end of December.

The 3rd Top Ten Final, open to the best 10 riders of the FEI Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings will take place in, Geneva on Saturday 6 December 2003. The first two editions of the Top Ten Final saw the victory of Ludger Beerbaum (GER), with Goldfever in 2001 and Gladdy'S in 2002.


The Judicial Committee rejected the Complaint filed by the Swedish Equestrian Federation in regard to the allocation of the venues for the Super League events during the 2004 and 2005 seasons.

The Swedish show jumping team qualified among the eight teams to be represented during the 2003 season of the Super League. However, a competition venue in Sweden was not selected among the eight venues for the Super League events during the first three seasons of the Super League. During the first season Sweden and Belgium had teams but no events, while Switzerland and Spain had events but no teams.

The Swedish Equestrian Federation has filed a Complaint with the FEI claiming that the concept of no linkage between the eight Super League teams and the eight Super League events violates sport fairness and principles of equal and fair conditions for participants and that the selection of Barcelona as one of the eight venues for the initial three years of the Super League violates the Super League Rules.

In the meantime, and while this case was pending, the first season of the Super League has ended. At the conclusion of the first season, the Swedish team ended last and will, therefore, be replaced next season by the top team from the Nations Cup Series. By a letter dated September 29, 2003 the Swedish Equestrian Federation requested that regardless of the fact that Sweden will not be represented in the 2004 Super League season, the Complaint should be addressed since it questions the principles behind the selection of the Super League events.

In rejecting the Complaint the Judicial Committee concluded that the concept of eight events and eight teams not necessarily from the same country was a primary published principle from the very inception of the Super League during the 2001 General Assembly. While the principles of fair play, equality and promotion of equal and fair conditions in the conduct of international events are well recognized by all international sport federations and are among the most important principles of the FEI, selecting venues independently of teams and based on sport considerations without any bias to any one team did not violate such principles.

Many important sporting events are held on the turf of one or more (but not all) of the competing teams. There is no rotation system that guarantees that each team shall be granted "home advantage", to the extent competing on home turf may provide any such advantage.

The Judicial Committee concluded that the principles of fairness and equality have not been violated by the separation between the selection of teams and the selection of competition venues. No empiric evidence was presented to support a claim that competition on home grounds provides an advantage to the home team in equestrian sports and no claim was made that the principle of separation between selected teams and venues was based on non sport considerations or on any intent to prejudice any one or more teams or was approved arbitrarily, capriciously or in bad faith.

The Super League Rules were drawn up by the Nations Cup Committee and the Jumping Committee and were discussed and approved by the Executive Board and by the Bureau, with the final draft approved by the Bureau during its November 2002 meeting and published on the FEI website as well as in the Bulletin.

The Bureau approved the Super League Rules established and proposed by the Jumping Committee and by the Nations Cup Committee in accordance with Statutes 018.4.

A Nations Cup Screening Committee selected the venues. This selection was also reaffirmed by the Bureau during its April 2003 meeting.

The selection of Barcelona over Gijon as a Super League venue was concluded between the National Federation and the FEI in accordance with the Super League Rules and for purely sport consideration. There was no claim that the selection of Barcelona was made arbitrarily or in bad faith or in an effort to prejudice any one organizing committee or any one team.

The Judicial Committee mentioned that better clarity in some of the rules could have assisted in avoiding any misunderstanding as to their interpretation. The Judicial Committee did not impose fees or costs on any of the parties. The complete decision will be published in due course in the FEI Bulletin.


There were many highlights at the third Global Dressage Forum, which was held on 6 and 7 October at the Dressage Academy in Hooge Mierde (NED). European champion Ulla Salzgeber gave an exciting interview, followed by a perfect demonstration of top riding. Arthur Kottas, ex chief rider of the Spanish Riding School, showed the real art of working horses 'in hand'. TheAustralian 'sit trainer' Richard Weis talked about body dynamics and body awareness. Many interesting discussions took place between top trainers and judges, chaired by the President of the FEI Dressage Committee Mariette Withages.

The Global Dressage Forum was presented by the international dressage rider Richard Davison and the President of the Trainers, David Hunt. During her clinic at the Forum Ulla Salzgeber rode her horse Wall Street and explained the details of her preparation for a big international dressage class. Hans van Zetten, an expert in gymnastics, gave a lecture on the practice of judging other Olympic sports. He explained the necessity to have an extensive handbook, or so called 'code of points', where the details of every movement and the possible mistakes have to be explained in details. After an interesting discussion with the audience, it was the current Olympic champion Anky van Grunsven, who concluded 'we must think about what we can learn from the experiences of other artistic sports.

On the second day of the Global Dressage Forum, ex-Chief Rider of the Spanish Riding School, Arthur Kottas gave an impressive demonstration of work 'from the ground' (hand work). Kottas trained a horse in hand, demonstrating the skill and kindness that is essential to get a relaxed horse working through its whole body. Afterwards, the horse was ridden by Kottas' daughter with her father explaining his training methods. Arthur Kottas himself went into the saddle during the second clinic of the day, which was presented by Richard Weis from Australia. He is an Alexander therapist and specialized in the correct seat of the rider. Weis explained his work as a therapist and trainer, and even managed to get the whole audience of 250 persons moving around, and jumping to do some exercises. The afternoon session was presented by the German Equestrian Federation (FN). Veterinarian Dr. Gerd Heuschman gave a lecture on the anatomy of the horse. Christoph Hess and Holger Schmezer, national trainer, presented four horses and riders from top national young rider level to Grand Prix.

At the end of the Forum, the President of the Dressage Trainers Club (IDTC) David Hunt presented the IDTC award to Wiltrud Duckeck, who had been running the Trainers Club with her late husband Hermann for many years.


The legendary horse Calvaro V of Willi Melliger (SUI) died on 1 October 2003, aged 17 ½. The huge grey holsteiner, son of Cantus, was born in 1986 and bought from Axel Wöckener in 1994. With Willi Melliger he won the team gold and bronze individual at the 1995 European Championship, and individual silver at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta and finished second of the World Cup Final in Geneva the same year, where the public literally fell in love with him. Calvaro V earned the bronze again in 1997 at the Europeans, was the Best Horse but only placed 4th at the World Equestrian Games in Rome (final with exchange of horses) in 1998, earned the silver medal at the 1999 European Championship in Hickstead and the team silver medal at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. He also won a number of Grand Prix including Zurich, Bremen and Paris.

After 1996 Olympic Games and until the end of his career, Calvaro V was receiving three to four thousands letters from fans all over the world every year.

Calvaro V was retired for 18 months in Melliger's installations in Neuendorf and had made his public farewell early February 2003 with the complicity of tennis player Martina Hingis during a special ceremony at CSI Zurich.


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