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Federation Equestre Internationale News

FEI Eventing World Cup News

FEI Eventing World Cup Final: Linda Algotsson (SWE) confirms her supremacy after Cross Country

Linda Algotsson of Sweden riding Stand By Me scored no penalties on today's very technical and bold 27-fence (40 jumping efforts) Cross Country course and with an impressive result of 38 points remains in the lead of the first FEI Eventing World Cup Final held in Pau (FRA). She performed one of only two clear rounds finishing at 8,43 min., 7 sec. before the end of time allowed. When asked to comment on her ride, she said: "When I first walked the course I thought those that don't die here have won, but it felt much more comfortable to ride than to walk. I was the penultimate to go and had had the whole day to gather information and work on strategies. I was so tense that once I was out there it felt almost too easy. My horse was great and I am very happy with what we have achieved."

Linda is followed by two French riders: Pascal Leroy on Eersteling du Leou and Eddy Sans on Ecile with 49.1 and 49.4 respectively. Both of them defended brilliantly the colours of the home nation and were loudly cheered by an enthusiastic and abundant crowd. Eddy Sans had remained in the lead for most of the day as he was the third starter, had no fence penalties and had scored 6.4 points for finishing 16 sec after the time limit. However, he had had to leave this coveted position to Pascal, 33rd to go and who was penalised with only 0.4 time points. Leroy's achievement is all the more remarkable as he was held at fence 9 (The Farm) for 10 minutes as the previous rider and fellow countryman Michel Bouquet had fallen in the first water (fence 12).

Peter Thomsen (GER) on Bordou and Sam Griffiths (AUS) on In the Groove are in 4th and 5th position.

The day was less successful for the British (William Fox-Pitt, Julie Tew, James Robinson, Clare Chamberlayne and Polly Stockton) all five of whom retired or were eliminated.

Given that there is only a 5.5 point difference between the 2nd (Pascal Leroy 49.1) and the 10th rider (Matt Ryan (AUS) 54.9), the situation remains very open and Jumping promises to be very exciting. However, with an 11.1 point advantage, Linda Algotsson's perspectives look bright. She will nevertheless have to remain very focused as she go last of the 29 riders still in competition.


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