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horse Essential Worming Diary Up For Grabs In A Store Near You

To help raise awareness of the importance of worming at key times of the year, pioneering animal health company Intervet is running an in-store promotion offering a free 2004 Panacur Equine Guard diary with the purchase of two bottles of the wormer.

The diary features a copy of the company's 3 year worming plan on the inside front cover, which is designed to make parasite control easier for the horse owner. Reinforcing the point that no one wormer will answer every parasite control need, the 3 year worming plan gives a month-by-month and year-by-year guide to which wormer to use through the winter months and which wormer to choose for the summer grazing season. It is based on Intervet's three worming brands - Panacur, Pyratape P and Vectin - and gives easy to remember dates when horses should be wormed.

Panacur Equine Guard, which contains fenbendazole as its active ingredient, should be administered for five consecutive days in November to remove encysted redworm larvae acquired during the spring and summer months and in February to remove encysted redworm larvae acquired during winter grazing.

A five-day course of Panacur Equine Guard should also be given to new horses, whatever the time of year, with a double dose of Pyratape P given on the sixth day.

For further information on Panacur, Vectin and Pyratape P please contact Intervet's Vet Support Group on 01908 685685.


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