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horse National Microchipping Month : November 2003

The Kennel Club are launching the very first National Microchipping Month during November 2003 in an effort to encourage and promote responsible pet ownership through microchipping as the preferred method of permanent identification. The campaign focuses on the importance of up to date registration and aims to promote Petlog, the Kennel Club’s national database that ensures fast and effective pet reunification.

The campaign will run nationwide with the support of Rescue Centres, Vets, Dog Wardens, Pet Shops and Kennels who will be setting up Microchipping Clinics. Scanning clinics will also be available to help owners check their data entries via the newly launched Petlog website,

Microchipping Month hopes to spread the message of the importance of pet identification and is part of the Kennel Club’s long term aim of promoting responsible dog ownership.

Said Caroline Kisko, Secretary to the Kennel Club; “We are very happy to have received such strong support from the microchip companies and also the many Charities and other organisations involved. All involved has the same aim and it is great to see everyone working together to help promote permanent identification and responsible pet ownership.”

Clarissa Baldwin, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust, formerly the NCDL said, "In 2003 the figure of stray dogs is reported at 111,016 (NOP survey on behalf of Dogs Trust). Dogs Trust runs microchipping schemes around the country with very positive results being seen already. An example has been shown over the past three years where Dogs Trust has been working together with Middlesbrough Council by providing free microchips for dogs whose owners receive means tested benefits. The council reports that since the chipping scheme began the number of strays in the area has halved."

Caroline Kisko continued; “Microchipping ensures that should a dog be found straying, it can be easily reunited with its owner in minimum time ensuring less stress to both the animal and of course the owner. The ease of reunification is increased even further for Petlog Plus customers who can activate a lost pet alert through the use of SMS text which automatically alerts Dog Wardens, Veterinary Surgeons and Rescue Centres within an approximate 30 mile radius of where the pet was lost guaranteeing even easier, faster and effective reunification with their beloved pet. This is just one of the many benefits that has made the Kennel Club decide to promote microchipping through Microchipping Month.”

For further information please log on to . If you have any questions or would like to be involved please contact Diane Simotas on 020 7518 1003 or email



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