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Security initiative from Prestige Horseboxes

Prestige Horseboxes is to microchip its new custom-built range of lorries as part of a ground-breaking security initiative from this month.

Olympic dressage team member Vicki Thompson is among the first to take delivery of a new microchipped Prestige Windsor three-horse lorry.

Vicki, who is currently enjoying a successful season, is being sponsored by the Lancashire-based company.

Vicki Thompson and David Jackson

David Jackson of Prestige Horseboxes, says: "We have joined forces with Kiwi-chip-it to offer our customers peace of mind following an upsurge in horsebox thefts. Customer care is our top priority and this together with our outstanding after sales service, is just one of the extras that we pride ourselves on."

The horseboxes, which are hand-built to order, will now include a number of hidden microchips, while a disc placed on the outside warns off would-be thieves. In the unfortunate event that the warning is ignored, the vehicle can be traced back to its owner via a database which can be accessed by the police.

"This is an exciting development for horsebox owners," says Phil Cantwell of Kiwi-chip-it. "Thieves are far more likely to go for an unmarked vehicle than drive away a microchipped horsebox, which can be easily traced."

For more information contact David Jackson at Prestige Horseboxes Ltd (tel: 01772 811737) and Phil Cantwell at Kiwi-chip-it (tel: 01507 451386)



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