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Royal Show Widens Sponsorship Role

Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire: The Royal Show is expanding its unique commercial opportunities following the appointment of a new Sponsorship Manager in response to an expansion of its sponsorship department's remit.

Toby Drought joins organisers of the show, charity The Royal Agricultural Society of England from IPC media and reports directly to Financial Director Helen Tetlow.

Toby Drought says: "The Royal Show equine area has one of the finest collections of horses and ponies in the UK, attracting a large and increasingly knowledgeable audience. As the area continues to grow it has established a premium equine market, creating numerous sponsorship opportunities."

The newly created position extends the former sponsorship executive's role held by Royal Society equine specialist Karen Pearson. Pearson moved roles earlier this year to undertake a feasibility study for an International Centre of Equine Excellence as part of Stoneleigh Park's proposed multi-million pound redevelopment of the Royal Show ground called the Open Country Initiative.

The event, which annually attracts over 160,000 visitors, boasts over 200 equestrian competitive classes and 70 exhibitors offering all things equestrian in the Royal's dedicated equine area.

Toby can be contacted on 02476 858272 or


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