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Gina Miles Places Third in FEI Eventing World Cup Final

Gladstone, NJ—October 28, 2003—U.S. Equestrian Team (USET) eventing rider Gina Miles of Creston, CA finished third in the inaugural FEI Eventing World Cup Final in Pau, France.

Miles won the Bronze Medal on her McKinlaigh when she completed the CIC with an overall score of 53.0 penalties, narrowly missing the Silver Medal. Winning the World Cup was Linda Algotsson of Sweden, individual Silver Medalist at the European Eventing Championships at Punchestown in September. Algotsson finished with 38.0 penalties on Stand By Me. Placing second was Andrew Nicholson of New Zealand who scored 51.6 on Fenicio.

The United States Equestrian Team is a non-profit organization that selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible standard to represent our country in major international competition, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. To accomplish this the USET seeks out and nurtures the development of talented athletes - riders, drivers, vaulters and horses - and provides the support and guidance they need to help them attain their fullest potential. For more information on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at


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